I can't be the only one who felt January was never going to end? It was such a long month! I started the month by planning Midges birthday party. She wanted a sleepover so we sourced some invites from the internet and wrote those out. There wasn't much to do until the day of the sleepover.
I got to go on my first trip of the year with year 1 which included Little A. We set off just after school started for Plymouth and had a good journey. First we visited Plymouth Aquarium which was a huge success as predicted. We then went to the pantomime to see Snow White (featuring Duncan James!) and we all had a Pizza Hut dinner (well I didn't, I left my purse on the bus but I was glad because I hate eating in front of people!) I had loads of lovely happy mail in January and read some good books. I also treated myself to new shoes and slippers!
Lots of new year happy mail//Invites//Shattered Little A//Jelly fish//Crabs//Reading//Sending out happy mail//New unicorn slippers!//New shoes!
Then things took a turn. We got the news my uncle wasn't well, then we got the news he was really unwell and then we got the news he was dying. It was quick and it wasn't easy. I said goodbye on the phone and sent him photos of the children. It's been a very emotional month. I printed some photos off of him and bought a special candle which really helped me.
I had a few days of self care, long hot showers, reading my new books, walking and napping in the day. That took me to Midges birthday with her chocolate covered cake and lovely gifts from everyone. Then we had the very busy but wonderful sleepover!
New mail from a new pen pal//Uncle M's photo ad candle//Uncle M in hospital// New book//Bath time fun//Chocolate birthday cake//Birthday girl!// Party time!//My nieces and I
I've kept up my weekly visits to see my Grandma and Aunt which I started before Christmas. Penzance has been looking lovely recently, even in the stormy weather I've enjoyed being there. Sadly my Aunts dog passed at the end of January, I was just glad to be there to support her. We had a small lunch and some vegan cake I had brought along with me in between talking about happy memories.
I discovered binoculars in my Grans glove compartment!//Ticket to Penzance//Little A not sleeping..//Midge the gymnast//They bridge has gone in town and it looked weird but lovely!
Midge has been doing well at gymnastics and our new sleeping arrangements are working out better for all of us. I also started my volunteering at school which has been going well.
January's posts
I'm sorry for your losses in January it's not been a great month for you. It's lovely to see the little joys you have had to keep you going, life is such a mixture of happy and sad x
ReplyDeleteThank you Angela. There's always something to be cheerful about even in the darkest times xx
DeleteSo sorry to gear about your loss. Hope you are doing ok and February is better to you x #tuesdaytreasure
ReplyDeleteIt seems very busy and I'm highly envious of you seeing Duncan James in panto. I was gutted when he announced he was gay! Altough it is not like we were very getting together, lol Mich x