What We Got up to In April

Wow April just flew by huh? I don't think it was a very busy month all in all quite chilled out really. I started it with a visit from my friend who brought her 3 little ones down to stay locally and that was a nice visit even if it was a quick one. Because of tooth pain I have spent a lot of April being pretty lazy and chilling with the pooch who kept me company on my low days. We did a fun colouring book Twitter party and the children got their own books, crayons and masks to wear while I Tweeted along, I thought it was fun!

 A masked Midge// Peppa Dog sunning herself// My happy place on the sand// Porthleven harbour// Seaside// Footprints in the sand// Siblings on the beach// Breakfast in bed// Frank the cat

I also spent a weekend at my parents house with Midge and Roo at the beginning of April. It helped take my mind off things. We went to the beach, I got caught on 3 occasions by sitting down watching the children and not noticing the tide coming in! The children had so much fun running around, Roo really enjoyed himself once he got used to the feeling of the sand. I think I'll get him some beach shoes soon. I was really in my happy place. We baked cakes, watched Iron Man, had hot chocolate, a lovely hot bath each and I made Mum and Dad breakfast in bed as I got up early leaving Roo watching Netflix and Midge still snoring away.

 Peppa and I chilling// Quick Costa// The Dawlish line// Time with Little T// Roo on the merry-go-round// Blossom// Breakfast// Roo reading// Scrap booking letters

I went away for 3 days to Trowbridge to see my friend and her brood. The train journey up there wasn't fantastic, well once we switched at Plymouth it wasn't so bad! I always get nervous going across the Dawlish line because the waves can get pretty big and you'd have to live under a rock not to have heard of the damage caused by the sea in that awful storm last year. It's a lovely bit to pass but it always unsettles me! Coming back to my babies was wonderful though, I really missed them and Mr B as I always do. 

Peppa in the sun watching me clean// Pen pal writing// Delicious salad// First visit to new dentist// Screen time with the kids// Roo as Iron Man// Steam engine at Trevithick Day// The Viewers band// Roo admiring hand crafted boats

The end of April I had my first appointment at the new dentist (he's fantastic by the way) and I got everything sorted for future appointments including 1 filling and 1 root canal but I'm not so frightened about them anymore. We had a lovely day at Trevithick Day on April 30th. We only saw a few steam trains because Roo was with us and it's really about how much he can deal with. He loved watching the band for 10 minutes and we escaped to see the miniature railway, hand crafted boats and Meccano projects, all very interesting. They both had fun bouncing around on the giant bouncy castle and bought a Slushie to share plus getting a treat each. Roo chose a new dog which was red and reminded him of the red dinosaur teddy he dropped on the train track last year heading to Cambridge *sniff sniff* 

It's fair to say April was a bit tough much like March. Now I'm in May and am pretty much pain free my mood has lifted considerably. The weather has helped a lot too of course but it isn't that reliable! I have no big things planned in May, we are just plodding along with school, hygienist appointments and whatever else life has planned for us.

April on the Blog

I pretty much had a blogging break over April but I did write about a lovely crafty day I had with the children, our March catch up plus doing my usual blogging on a train thing I do whenever I'm well, on a train.

Hope April was good for my lovely readers

Cupcake Mumma x


  1. You days are always so lovely! Except for toothache. I hate toothaches! Who doesn't??

    1. It is pretty awful! Yes, I am lucky but like us all there are plenty of rubbish days too!x

  2. I hope your toothache has gone now lovely? You have some lovely photos on this post! xx

    1. For now, i'm heading for a more permanent solution shortly!
      Thank you!xx
