Reasons To Be Cheerful #RTBC

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

This week has so far been a bit 50/50. Little Miss has had her cold come out for a final blow, we've had her off nursery with earache and Little Man is teething. Not to mention I have therefore been pretty tired and Other Half starts work tomorrow after his long holiday.


1. I am really happy just for being me. I have changed a lot recently and aim to do more personal development. I talk to people more and i'm starting to feel a littler happier about just being me. Sure i'm not perfect but who the hell is?
2. I went to a baby group on Wednesday for some one on one time with my Little Man. He was so happy and playful it made me feel proud. I'm so glad I went. I had those last minute thoughts of backing out because I hadn't shown my face for so long there..I needn't have worried as I was fine.
3. I'm feeling really creative thanks to Pinterest which has made me feel free in some strange way. I'm sure God made me to be more creative than i am so i'm pleased to be letting my negitive, procrastinating side slip away making way for this new, creative creature!

If you have any Reasons To Be Cheerful this week then please click the badge and link up at Mummy From The Heart


  1. Well done you in having the confidence to get yourself out there x

    1. Thanks Claire, its hard but worth it :) x

  2. I hope little Miss feels better soon!

    1. Thanks HC she is much, much better now! x

  3. Great to have 3 reasons that are personal and about you, sounds fab.

    1. I was worried about being too me me me but I think sometimes it's really good. Thanks for leaving a comment :)

  4. confidence boosting is always a positive step! pintrest is so addictive..

    1. I LOVE Pinterest Becky! Thanks for your comment x

  5. It is really important to take time too look after you as the little people- it's just a lot easier said than done- well done on getting yourself out there. x

  6. Hope everyone is well now. I have bene avoiding Pinterest, I figure I do not need another addiction. Mich x
