52 Weeks to an Organised Home Week 3 with Results!

So Week 3 was all about sorting out my food storage areas. I'm lucky in that because my kitchen isn't absolutely mahoosive I don't have too much trouble with food items etc being here, there and everywhere. I have one big cupboard and one tiny cupboard for my food storage.

I took advantage after lunch a couple of days ago to sit on my bottom, wipe out my units and separate all my food items. I happen to have a little OCD issue in me (runs in my genes I believe) when it comes to cleaning and sorting things into sections. It doesn't drive me nuts at all, I find it a little annoying but pretty helpful in the main.

Here is the before picture of my 2 cupboards:

Hmm a little disorganised is being polite! After pondering a while away with the cleaning fairies I soon had this mess sorted out:

Baking items are on top left with cooking items (pasta, bread crumbs etc) on the right. 
Below we have jars and tins with juice and breakfast items at the end. I haven't been shopping so this does look a little odd!

Here we have the top shelf holding my dried fruits and nuts, some of my medicine which wouldn't fit in the appropriate cupboard and some coffee sachets for Other Half when he works.
Second shelf holds bread for the Other Half and the Little Monsters.
Bottom shelf is now tidily holding my gluten free bread and rolls.
Impressed? I am!

Week 4 will be all about food storage but..It's all about my fridge and my freezer....Hmm I don't look forward to this challenge!
Hannah x
52 Week Organized Home Challenge

1 comment:

  1. Cupcake Mumma you are still my hero!! Love your post, and just put your link in my post. I think you are absolutely fantastic!!!!!
