Christmas Is Coming!

I've not got everything sorted yet, there are a lot more decs to put up and I'm still allocating tinsel in my head. I really need the help of Other Half if I'm honest, I cannot get anything in these Cornish stone walls for the life of me but yet some how he can..must be his muscles (honest) I have none after all!

Anyway I have the tree up as I've already showed as part of a recent photo blog post (search for 'Scavenger Hunt' if you would like to see more.My linking skills have gone to pot this evening sorry!) I have made my mantle piece which is super ugly, pretty(ish) of which a photo is lurking around here too.
We have stockings pinned up along the stairs in the hall (yes, ALL of us! Santa still caters for us adults as well last time I looked!) I even have some paper chains up. Little Miss printed her Christmas stamps and I sellotaped and pinned the chain to the ceiling. It's not as nice and sparkly as I would have at this time of year but there is tinsel on the banisters and I'm sure I'll add a few other things to my hallway collection.

I also got my first Christmas card today from my Grandma and Grandpa with a little surprise in which was lovely and very generous. We intend to put said gift to good use and split it between our 2's saving accounts.

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