2011- A Look Back

Now, as it's nearly another year over I thought I would share my thoughts and feelings on this year just gone. It's been a real mix this year but mainly good. Lots of happiness and success although a slight rut has formed at the end I plan to most definitely crawl up out of it again early on in 2012!

This month was a bit hard for me as I was heavily pregnant with little Man, had spent most of Christmas feeling very ill with a terrible cold and ear infection. I got better though after a couple of weeks and we started planning L's 3rd birthday. Seems a life time ago now, she'll be 4 in a few weeks and it's just insane. We had her cousins over with a little buffet which was lovely. I was really pleased with her birthday cake as well, a Barbie princess cake just like she ordered...God knows what it will be this year. Hello Kitty?

This is of course when I brought my beautiful Little Man into the world. It was a painful but quick labour so I can't complain! As I'm typing this my Sister In Law to be is possibly going in to labour so fingers crossed! Little A arrived very happily and safely by water birth at a lovely birthing unit delivered by 2 midwives one of which was my Auntie. He was born on the 19th, a day earlier and he would be sharing a birthday with his Grandad.

March was the month we finally came off Job seekers and Other Half got a proper good old fashioned job! I was very nervous about looking after the children alone in the evenings but as it is I have been fine and hope to continue to do so well! In fact, now I'm quite enjoying some of the 'me time' I get each evening! Finally coming off of benefits was a great feeling. We have more money, more freedom and don't have to listen to a lot of the rubbish that comes with being on benefits. Other Half changed dramatically when he got a job after continuous 'No Thank-you's' or no reply at all. To be earning money for his family made him a different person. I also got my first proper photos done of my little wonders together! Proud Mummy Moment.

In April I started my counselling which has completely changed who I am. I'm no longer overly anxious and shy and I have been able to come right out of my shell, talk to people I wouldn't normally and get on better with others simply because I am now more able to let down my guard and show I'm not some quiet up tight bird sat in the corner. I'm still a miserable sod though!
Also in April my niece and nephew turned 3, it's hard to believe how much all the children have grown!

In June we had our first 'holiday'. We ventured to Cambridge as a family and met up with my Dad's side who I had not seen in years which was obviously amazing. Every couple of years my Aunt and Uncle hold a small type of music festival in their garden called the Ice House, it's a lovely event and the whole community kind of join in amongst others. We stayed in a caravan together and had a fab time! A was still tiny but I need not have worried, he loved the attention and was such a good little boy. Little Miss got to meet cousins she didn't even know existed and I cannot wait to get together again in 2012!
L trying out the playhouse at my Aunts home. It's lovely!
A and L playing in the caravan
After wanting to participate for ages in some kind of fund raising event but not having the confidence I joined forces with my Mum who has also lacked confidence some what until recently and we walked the Race For Life. I have family members like many people who have had cancer and survived, lost limbs and even passed away so this was a special cause to my heart. I had a lovely time in Truro and raised £70 for the charity and I continue to donate. Next year I plan to raise more money and have a bigger crew join me! For a pink PJ Race!! 

My Mum and I posing after our race with our medals. 
We got Little Miss and Little Man Christened in this month and it was a really lovely occasion. The ceremony was short and sweet, all the important people were there a part from one of their Grandads who couldn't get back from France unfortunately. We held a buffet and BBQ at my house afterwards and generally had a really lovely time. We received lots of lovely gifts including photos frames, cuddly toys, christening bracelets and Bibles. The Church gave us the children's certificates and even a lovely candle to light on the anniversary of their Christening.

Pops and Little Man in his gown which was worn by me and my 3 siblings all those years ago!
L-R (Me, L, Jason (O/H)-Godparents-My brother, sister in law and aunt who delivered both my children, A)
One of the cakes made and decorated by my fair hands. 
I turned 22 in October and had a very nice time being spoiled by all manner of things cupcake and pink related. I saw my parents and in laws and had a chill out with Other Half in the evening if I remember correctly!

Another good month. My Dad celebrated his 50th Birthday and we threw him a surprise meal. It was lovely having the whole family around again and nice to eat out. It's a rare treat even with children in this day and age! November was also a milestone for me because I ventured out just me and Little Miss to the town of Truro by train. Anyone whose had anxiety will appreciate how hard it can be to do the most simple of things and this really was a proud day for me. And a good one!

Me and Dad not ready for the camera!

And for December just see here for all our Christmas goings on. We've ended 2011 pretty darn well and here's to 2012!

Cupcake Mumma

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