Snap Slappers Week 2

Oh yeah week of Snap Slappers and I am loving it. I spent 2 hours last night on Picnik (addicted much?) and I had such fun discovering all the new effects. The only reason I shut the computer was because I realised I hadn't done any of the lounge painting in preperation for the new sofa today..Ah maybe I do have a problem when I spend all my time playing with pictures and not enough time caring for my home...Nahhhh

So tonight I choose this photo: Capturing a moment!!

And turn it into something a bit more fancy

Not much of a change but i'm going for a classy look this week!
Link up with Five Go Blogging to join in!


  1. It looks fab! The lights really stand out. Can't believe that was taken from your Tv (really?)
    Thanks for joining in x

  2. Love it, very subtle = total classiness!

  3. Thanks ladies was indeed from the Tv! I cant beleive it either was only messing! x

  4. Looks really good - as if you were there.

  5. Aw man, I thought you had seen the Coca Cola truck for real!
