When Faced with a Locked Door...

You on the outside and your 2 year old on the inside there's that real heart-in-your-mouth moment where you realise that you would move heaven and earth to get yourself, somehow, back to that beautiful little boy calling 'Mumma' from the inside.

Yeah that's right, Einstein here was doing the environmentally friendly act of placing my recycling in the box outside when I heard the bang that made me freeze, just for a few seconds, before running with outstretched arms to my big, thick, un-kickable from the outside door. So what the hell do I do now? I kept panic somehow under a little control. I banged on my neighbors door: not in. Next door haven't moved in yet...Great. Time to introduce myself to a lucky neighbour!

I had no phone on me but was thankfully dressed. I was however letting the 'ladies' hang loose today and running about in my now very wet socks. All I could think of was my little boy bouncing on the trampoline. If he's hurt I can't get to him! If he's missing me I can't comfort him! I knocked on the door and a very kind lady answered saying she would come round the back with me. Well I legged it like buggery! I haven't been around the back of the house yet as we don't own a car so have had no need. When I got there I saw a bolt. Hurrah! A bolt! Crap! It's locked on the inside too! To say my house is well built with security in mind would be an understatement but hey it's good (unless you're in this situation...)

Eventually I had to climb over the wooden fence (I have a splinter in my foot as evidence) as 'frantic mum' (that's me) was really coming out now. Little A had left the garden before I got around the back so I knew he'd be looking for me. As soon as I was in I bolted to my house calling his name. I found him half way up the attic room stairs (the last room left before he could officially assume I'd packed my bags and gone)

We had some serious snuggles after that ordeal but thankfully all was well. The lady was ever so nice and if she thought I was a twonk she was very good at not showing it! We exchanged names, I apologised and thanked her. Little A was none the wiser and went back to running about with his trains and causing lovely, sweet chaos. As for me? Well, I learnt the following:

1. Housework is bad for you. If I hadn't thought about tidying I would not have been locked out. Simple.

2. Recycling is also bad for you. See aforementioned point.

3. Leave latches off if stupid enough to go out again.

4. I can deal with quite a heart stopping 'situation'

Mostly though I realised that not once did I berate myself for this unfortunate accident. I realised I was a human being, going about my jobs and something unexpected happened. A mistake. But it was okay. I felt awful of course, after all my son was one side and I was another. Anything could have happened but I wasn't prepared to hang around and panic long enough for something to happen. I ran, I climbed and I even contemplated doing myself some serious injury by breaking down the back gate because I am a Mummy and my baby is not with me. And NOTHING was going to stop me getting back into that house.

So, anything interesting happen to you today? Any tales to tell to make me feel better?!



  1. Ohh my! How scary for you!!
    Glad it all ended well x

    1. It really was! Thank you luckily it was all fine! x

  2. Oh gosh! Stressful times!! I always worry about this happening as our door is rather temperamental so make sure I have my keys with me whenever I'm taking the pram out... just in case! xx

    1. I need to do this! Hopeless sometimes! xx

  3. OMG Han!! Go MumRaaaaa Well done for keeping your cool. Not sure I would have. I have the opposite problem as Chaos is constantly escaping so we are always locked in! Glad youre both ok xxx

    1. Oh god i'd hate be in all the time little monster he is lol I'm rather proud of how i handled the situation actually! x

  4. Housework is bad for you. Couldn't agree more! ;) What a terrifying situation, I am not sure I would have been as cool as you under fire.

    1. I think the Mummy Instincts kick in until the ordeal is over! x

  5. Oh my god very scary situation, glad it all ended well. I had something similar happen to my when my 3yr old boy locked me and his 14 month old sister in the bathroom. You can read about it here, http://insuesshoes.blogspot.com/2013/10/locked-in.html . Thanks for the post inspiration :). You are right mummy instincts do kick in when you are in a situation like that. I hope this makes you feel better. I felt terrible after my ordeal, I was imagining Jack getting upto all sorts at the time :)

    1. Thanks Sue, I sure do feel better! It'sll very scary at the time isn't it? I shall head over now and have a read of your post x

  6. I can't imagine myself having that situation. It's good that it ended very well.

  7. omg, scary! i remember locking my mum outside in the garden when i was little (i was a bit of a devil) my brother was a baby then too!
