Happy Anniversary To..


Yesterday was indeed our first Wedding Anniversary. We had such a lovely day. We visited our new home where the children played for a while before being picked up by Nanny. Midge couldn't wait to tell me that she and Little A had spent the day with their cousins and had a picnic at the local play park- how sweet!

Jason and I went home to freshen up after spending the morning cleaning our new house and playing with the little ones. We went into town and decided to go into a local pub for a good old fashioned carvery. Jason had a good sized plate of roast beef, veg and the biggest Yorkshire puddings I've seen in a long time! I was treated to baked lemon sole with tomatoes and asparagus. It was gorgeous! My only complaint was that I couldn't eat the roast potatoes because they had been cooked in butter. Not only does the smallest amount of dairy now upset my delicate stomach quite badly, putting butter with your roasties is just SACRILEGE I tell you! Simply disgusting!

After our meal we went outside to finish our drinks and have a nice, adult chat (yes you really do get them again believe it or not!) it was lovely just enjoying each others company for a while. We mooched around the shops then went to the video store in search of a comedy to settle down to.Midge and A sort of slept so we did overall enjoy the film in peace!

We had such a wonderful day. It's my parents 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow so I'm hoping we'll see them soon to give them their gift.

Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday too.



  1. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you had a very peaceful day together x

  2. Aww yay! Happy Wedding Anniversary!! Congratulations :)

    Also - you're moving?? I think I missed this somewhere xxx

    1. Thanks Hannah!
      Yes we are! It's hectic here! xxx

  3. Happy Anniversary. Our first one is coming up next month, the last year has gone so fast! x

    1. Oh any plans? Hope you have a nice, relaxing day like me! Thank-you :-) xx

  4. Happy Anniversary to you (and your parents too)! xx

    1. Thank you! (from both couples haha!!) xx

  5. Happy Anniversary lovely lady! Glad you both got some grown up time together and uninterrupted time to chat. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Much love and happiness to you both xxx
