Heartfelt Acts February

1.  Bring Flowers to someone 
2.  Tell your Child/spouse that you love them every single day for the month.  You can change it up daily to fit your family.

For this months Heartfelt Acts with Emmy Mom I was really excited to get to send some flowers to a friend who really needed it. She was moving 4 days before the flowers were due to arrive and I knew they could be the 'goodluck in your new home' flowers as well as 'I'm thinking of you lots and missing you loads' kind of flowers. They did what they were supposed to do which is the main thing!

Here are the beautiful tulips I sent my friend. I'm lucky she likes pink because that's pretty much all you're gonna get from me! She loved them and sent me a very happy text upon receiving them. I ordered these from Asda for a change and they are actually perfectly fine!

As February isn't quite at the end just yet (but near enough already!) I'm obviously still telling my family how much I love them every day. I made no grand gestures or anything, just looked my children and my Husband in the eyes and said those words. 'I love you.' So simple but they really made my children smile and made my husband give me a big cuddle which was lovely. It's not something I have to remember because I really do say 'I love you' almost 100 times a day (no joke!) my children are so squidgy and kissable it's hard not to!

It's an old photo but you get the idea!
I've been doing other little things which have made me feel good this month and I want to include them in this round up. I posted 2 gifts boxes out to people I know who are in need of a little tender, love and care. I've signed up to do the Mount Snowdon climb next week which will push me to my limits in terms of being alone with my anxiety (not to mention being high up a mountain!) This is all for Red Nose Day so please, if you haven't already, do consider sponsoring me and the wonderful team here. We've nearly smashed our £1,500 target!

Last months Heartfelt Acts were to clear up all those unwanted bits you no longer need and donate them. We have 3 large bags heading off on Monday which is great. Midge and I have £10 put aside to buy a load of food for our local food support team which will be our way of giving something to the community.

Here's next months prompt:

1.  Thank your police or fire department- take them a baked item. 
2.  Leave 5 random notes of love or affirmation in different public places.



  1. Pretty tulips, makes me think of spring.

  2. So so awesome!! So glad you are joining in. Those tulips are beautiful and in such a fun vase and as someone who has moved a lot- that is such a sweet thing during that crazy time.

    Your kids are adorable! I realized that I always give hugs to my kids and say I love them at bedtime but don't really know if I say the actual words "I love you" enough during the day, so very grateful for this challenge myself.

  3. I would love flowers from a friend!! That was so sweet! I bet it filled your friend with a lot of joy! Such a cute picture with your kiddos! The Red Nose Day looks like a lot of fun!! Best of luck!!

  4. Love this idea, definitely going to join in! xxx
