I kissed her goodbye as I had to be somewhere. For once I wasn't going back home to my Husband and Little Man to sort out the house. Nope, I was going to be alone. For at least 40 minuets. How wonderful to have 40 minutes all to yourself you might say...it would've been great if it wasn't TO THE DENTIST.
Now I hate the dentist. I mean I love my actual dentist he's very friendly, talks you through the whole process and he's Canadian (and we all know how much I love anyone who's Canadian or American. I'm sorry, I can't help myself. The accent, the places I don't know. I guess a lot of them like us good old British folk with our strong, well pronounced accents..well, those of us who can still manage that..)
Anyway I digress...Sure, I got to sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes because I was really early. I figured there was no point going home only to come back out again. I got to read Cosmopolitan (which was dated May 2012) no matter, I never read an in date magazine at home anyway. Then my name was called.
I was only there for a further 30 minutes in which I was poked, prodded, stabbed* with a needle (twice), had cotton wool and horrible molds put into my mouth before leaving with one real and one temporary filling. My first proper fillings. Not bad for nearly 23 really, just something that happened. I shall be more vigil with my tooth brushing now. I should floss apparently, which I hate but I'm not going through that again!
I'm now sat home, anaesthetic wearing off and my gums returning to normal. They sting a bit and I feel so, so hungry. I have another hour before I can eat anything but my porridge is all ready to go! Nothing better than porridge to fill you up and keep you warm on a chilly Autumn day. I think I may also pop out later and do some early Christmas shopping with my newly arrived Park vouchers.
I should be grateful i got out without 2 children screaming at me, saying they're bored or just whinging for the sake of whinging. I got to read a bit of a magazine (granted, it was old but who cares?) But I would much rather my next spot of 'me time' is more relaxing. Although, I did like being called 'Mrs Brooker,' makes you feel rather grown up this 'Mrs' business!
*May be an exaggeration....May be...
Not the best 'me time' really, but at least it got sorted! I found you on Blow Your Own Bloghorn BTW.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Sarah! You are right not ideal but now 6 months until next check up!
DeleteMore me time than I get at the moment but not ideal! Hope you get something proper soon that involves a nice bath!
ReplyDeleteSee, now I feel great full Bex! Thank you I do hope that lovely, relaxing bath is near for us both ! xx
DeleteEugh I'm totally phobic of the dentist. I can't bear the thought of metal touching teeth. I've not had a check up in about 15 Years! The last time I had 13 fillings (in two sittings). I know damn well if I go now they'll want to take one out as I have one that's gone bad. I know I'll more than likely by now need some of those old fillings redone but I can't bring myself to join a dentists let alone go! :-( xx
ReplyDeleteNo not 'me time' but unfortunately the type of me time I'm desperate to find at the moment. Need dental work fixing before my youngest is 12mths ;) xx