The Olympic Torch Comes to Cornwall

It was the moment I had almost forgotten about until a late night browsing the Internet reminded me, Saturday 19th May was the day the Olympic Torch would start its journey through our country, starting with Cornwall, (Lands End to be precise).

My parents collected myself, Little Miss and Little Man and we headed off to a small but lovely village near Helston called Breage where the torch would be carried through to much jubilation. The bunting was hung including the Cornish colours of yellow and black which a was lovely idea. Everyone waved their flags, grabbed some freebies from the passing sponsors, the atmosphere was wonderful and I'm so proud myself and my children were apart of it.

Here are some photos of the momentous occasion.

People line the streets waiting for the torch to pass through. I think we were all waiting for just over an hour and not one bored, crying child could even be heard, everyone was celebrating!

 Little Miss gets her pride on. Little Man also had a small flag he went nuts with which was too cute.

One of the relay cars.

Here's what you really wanted though right? A truly great photo of the torch, if I may say so myself!

I was due to go home to decorate but being rushed out of the door I ended up locking myself out. It wasn't bad though, we stayed for lunch and dinner, I got to catch up with my Dad chatting about shares and having various debates. I even made some cupcakes in return for a couple of duck eggs on toast.
Finally, some photos of a lovely Saturday afternoon.



  1. Wow! You said you'd see it and you did.

  2. Great photo of the torch - hoping to see it here in N Ireland in a week or two. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hey Thanks :) Hope you get a good look and a great shot too!
