Blog Challenge Days 18,19 and 20!

Oops totally late with this challenge after all the Olympic Torch excitement I was too tired yesterday and on Friday I had a blinding headache so decided staring at my laptop screen wasn't such a good idea.
All excuses over with I'll move on to the challenge!

Day 18/31 My Blog Name.
CupcakeMumma really is as simple as that. I'm a Mumma who likes cupcakes! I bake a few here and there but they're not anything amazing and before you say anything, there's always one good one and that's the one that will get the blog fame! I'm just a bit obsessed with them to be honest. I have cupcake books, a cutting board, ornaments oh blimey all sorts!

Day 19/31 What Do You Collect?
I collect postcards so if you're ever feeling so inclined to post one to me then well, I'd be very happy! I have a tin box under my bed getting nicely full with postcards from around the world (thanks to some I pick up to remember days out and a few of my favourites have  been picked up from the local market and have been written on years ago, I have some from the 1930's and 40's which I adore.

Day 21/31 A Difficult Time in Your Life
I wrote the other day about my anxiety and PND which are by far the worst moments of my life and the worst for my poor Other Half too who still suffers with my mood swings and pretty low dips. Hats off to him and anyone else who lives with someone like me, it sure isn't easy sometimes!

The most difficult time in my life was when we moved from the countryside to a little cul-de-sac in a town. It felt like things were going to be okay but it soon turned out otherwise. Above us lived a young man who had his mates over every Saturday night, sometimes Friday too. He would play extremely loud music, wouldn't turn it down, his friends threatened Other Half on two occasions and they would smoke drugs throwing their butts and cans out of the window so when I opened the curtain on a nice sunny morning after a hideous night I was greeted to a pit of a back yard. It wasn't my back yard, but I still had to look at it!

This was difficult because it really felt that no one cared. My anxiety, which previously hadn't bothered me for a good couple of years came out of no where and i hated living in my new flat. Because nobody else had to live there they really didn't understand our desperation to leave. We were lucky though that most weekends for pretty much the whole time we lived there I stayed with Little Miss at my Mums place or we all went to Other halve's parents.
The final straw came when, after a lovely birthday dinner i came home and ended up crying down the phone to my Aunt who lived near by. We all stayed with her that night and it was the last time I was going through it. Other Half and I even considered separating, me leaving with Little Miss and my bump, I was a total mess!

Luckily for us, the landlord wasn't happy about the situation at all and got us the 2 bedroom house we are currently living in. The process of anti-social behavioural orders is a very long one and the estate agents dealing with the man above us were not very sympathetic. Needless to say it's all the past now but I really, really feel for those living with nightmare neighbours and I never want to move because I'm too scared of going through it all again!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to move - it must have been a nightmare.

    So .... how was the torch - any pics?
