The New Life in Cornwall

Until recently there was a vast, empty space just screaming out for attention in Cornwall. One day I was walking up to Tesco's for some supplies when I noticed boards attached to newly erected fencing. The Wasteland was being transformed into a wonderful space for playing, relaxing and exploring.
And here it is:
Heartlands in Cornwall.

When the tin mines closed down in Cornwall it left this area a wide, empty space of nothingness. It's hard to believed this now beautiful area was nothing but mud, grass and rocks, a space which seemed like nothing good would ever come to it. But thanks to the Regeneration Project, a new lease of life has been injected into this area of Cornwall.
This brand new, free attraction site has a wide play area, a cafe, studios with so much to do, gardens and spaces to explore, fantastic sculptures to observe and more importantly a chance to learn about Cornwall's heritage with tours around the mine and much more. You can even get married at Heartlands! If you click the image above you'll be taken to the site where there is so much more to discover.

Now, on to my day. We ventured up to Heartlands on Saturday to see what all the fuss was about. I hadn't read much about this project, I didn't know a great deal about it. I had seen lots of buildings coming together and hard work being undertaken but I thought this was just going to be a new park and maybe some extras. When we arrived we were quite taken aback by how lovely it all was.

Below are some photos of our day out. Hope you like them!

 These photos are of Robinson's Shaft and the engine room. Because this mining site closed in the 20th Century it has retained a lot of its historical architecture leaving even the engine room in apparently great condition. I'm looking forward to going on a tour here myself to learn even more.

 Outside there is a large area surrounded by studios and a large water pool. The water is crystal clear and I really hope it stays that way. It's very tempting to take your shoes off and go for a paddle in this water but, sadly and quite rightly that is not allowed. What a shame though!

There is a knitting studio at Heartlands and on the way around you could spot knitted objects either funky looking ones like this or scarf like creations hanging from the fences. 

These photos were taken in the garden area. Little Miss and Daddy did a bit of exploring while I took a few photos. We then sat down before heading off the park.

Because there were so many children I couldn't take any of the actual park. On the positive side this means we can visit plenty more times when it's less busy! Here is one photo I took though of Little Miss playing under these plant made tunnels. It's actually a sort of maze with a little climbing frame in the middle which I thought was pretty cool. I didn't bank on the tunnel shrinking in height as I went around it though!
Candyfloss anyone?
After all the excitement we went around the market. Because of the weather it wasn't too busy but I did get some good finds which I will write up in another post. We got home pretty tired and after a nice dinner vegged out in front of some good films. 



  1. How lovely for it to be used this way rather than for redevelopment as a housing estate or industrial warehouses. Sometimes they do get it right.

    1. Yes you're right it may not be often but sometimes wonderful things can happen! We've already got 2 big housing projects on we didnt need another thank goodness! It's protected anyway as listed buildings which is great! Thanks for your comment :)
