Scavenger Hunt

I love the detail in this photo which is why it's under 'amazing'
  • Can't live without
An obvious one: My two babies

  • Direction
Various directions including the local park, museum, bowling green and much more!

  • In/out
I waited over half an hour just for this one shot! Thanks duck!
I may be intolerant to it but I know in Cornwall fudge is real indulgence food as it's so rich and creamy.
Some knitting tied to a lamp post, very cool and random

On the move
This couple were lovely. I hope one day that'll be me and Other Half wandering around :)

  • Rock

  • Smile
I felt brave so here is a nice smiley one of me!

Another shot from the local park, how beautiful are these ducklings.
These were very sticky fingers
If you go exploring you'll never know what you'll find!

Another great Scavenger Hunt list from Kathy and without escaping to the old park I used to visit I would've been stumped! Hope you've enjoyed this months list please have a look over Postcards from the P.P for more fantastic photographs.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. What a wonderful variety of photos ~ such fitting choices. Lovely to see your smiling face, the sweet ducklings, the tangled tree, sticky chubby fingers, 'young love' out for a walk, the super rock with carving, multi-coloured knitting on a lamp post, your darling children and the yummy fudge...I think you did a remarkable job. I tried to find my favorite, and found I listed them all. Also wanted to mention your amazing lock! Super

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, i was very lucky finding most of these in one place on a rare outing to myself!!Im looking to the next one, im going to check yours out now x

  2. The ducklings are brilliant. Love how they are all lined up! Also, I adore the Yale lock - that's a stunning photograph.

  3. I like your thinking for 'amazing' and I love that bit of knitting tied to a post and the rock too. So many great photos, I've enjoyed your scavenger post!

    Thanks for becoming a followe of my blog (glad you liked it!!), i've had a quick look beyond your scavenger post and like your blog too, so I'll be following yours now! I've just seen the post about postcard collecting and I think that's a really interesting thing to collect!


    1. Thank-you Louise that's really kind of you.
      I'm glad I managed to get out for the day alone as I get quite stumped living a town. I'm to the countryside which offers so much more (maybe im just into nature too).

      Thanks for your lovely comments and the follow :)

  4. I love your selection of photos they are all so good it's difficult to choose some favourites! I love your duck going in and out great shot!Also your smile and on the move with the elderly couple and your amazing ones and your children!
    Sarah x

    1. Thank you Sarah! I love the duck one I went to the park for that shot and im so glad I got it! The others were just one huge bonus!

  5. A voluntary self portrait is great - we had to do one in December and we all found elaborate ways of avoiding it! The knitting is funny - there was some on a tree in Norwich that has obviously been stolen, and has now been relaxed by a 'Have you seen this knitting?" poster.
    Great photos
    Ellen x

    1. Yes! I remember the December one so many people ducked out of it lol That knitting sounds funny, i really like random things like that x

  6. That knitting is very cool - was that what they call 'yarn bombing'? Love the sticky fingers one as well, that is worth framing.

    1. Thanks Alison just saved me going mad! Yarn bombing, its great isnt it. Thanks, i think i will frame that one :)

  7. Great photos, I just love the 'in/out'!

  8. Your best two are in and out and tangle. Fantastic photos.

  9. Just love the little ducklings and the one of the single duck! That fudge does look very indulgent, love the stuff.
    The knitting tied to a post was another great find.
    Lisa x

  10. What absolutely beautiful photos. I adore the duck one - not only is it a fab idea, you must have such patience to sit and wait for it!

    The old couple out walking have just made me go "awwwww" out loud at my desk. Adorable.

    1. Thanks Alex Im glad i saw them, other wise would've been another similar photo of ducks i dare say! lol x

  11. Love the sticky fingers picture, so cute. Well done for getting the full set! x

    1. Thanks Sandra, i enjoy the challenge :)

  12. Hey! What a gorgeous set of pictures! The diving duck is hilarious and I admire your patience. The ducklings are simply gorgeous! You have a very pretty smile! I was really disappointed with my in-out one, I had the idea to catch someone sewing but failed!

    1. Thanks Kezzie what lovely comments made me very smiley! I'm going to see yours now :) Its s shame when a shot doesn't turn out just how you had in mind, i did have to wait a very long time taking a lot of shots to get this! x

  13. Great photos, sticky little fingers so sweet. And what a great tangly shot.

  14. Love your photos, all of them, can't choose a fave! I'm still debating a picture of me and whether to or not but I don't want to scare people! Suzy x

    1. I think you should Suzy! Go on be brave you won't scare anyone! Dont be so negative :)
      Thank you for your lovely comment x

  15. Lovely set of photos and the in/out duck is excellent, well worth the wait.

  16. those ducklings are so sweet! recognise a couple of those pictures from our local area :)

  17. Ah what a lovely set of photos! Love it that you caught some yarn bombing in action!

    1. Yes something i thought i'd never see! x

  18. Love the duck pic! Certainly worth the wait...and those little sticky fingers are very cute! I enjoy the Scavenger Hunt as it makes me get out and think about taking some your selection of pics!

    1. Thanks Lorraine! I really love how much more aware i've become since joining the scavenger hunt.

  19. I do like the rock one and the duckies are so cute.

  20. I like the tangle and in/out photos.
