Does Being Thrifty Always Make You Happy?

Recently things have been getting on top of me. Money things. Last year I didn't really feel it so much. I was loving bargains and thrifty finds but with the pinch of the pennies, watching what you're spending is becoming a right old bore!

Finding a bargain has to be justified. I used to find something in a charity shop and feel pleased as punch but now that has all changed. I just seem to have to justify everything to myself! Even at 50p! I know what people are thinking, 'but you're planning a wedding, you're going to feel the pennies pinching'. Not so my friend. Okay so there are bigger things like paying for the reception and our hotel suite that we are facing but truth be told there are so many gifted people in both sides of our family, and some very generous people too so our wedding is going to be a beautiful day made even more so by knowing that so many people have spent time, money, effort even all 3 to help us.

It's the other things that get to my budget much like everyone else. The South West has one of the highest water rates, I'm on one of the best gas and electricity boards but still find myself totally paranoid as those little digital numbers dwindle down. Then there's the checkout..anyone else slightly recoil upon waiting for the 'final total' to be read out?

I know I am most definitely not alone. I'm sure given the option we would all like a little more to play with. It's not that I'm broke. I am still better off than a lot of people out there. I don't have to imagine that because I know. For a start I'm not queueing up in need of food kindly being donated week in and week out by generous shoppers.

I just wish I could be happier with my thrifty finds again! I follow a lot of frugal bloggers who love what they do. Maybe it is that I haven't fully adapted to this way of living? Perhaps I'm still a little attached to the more frivolous lifestyle? I have bought some new things recently but these have been bought second hand, locally and on payment plan. The best way for new laptops and phones!

I think it's that in this society it seems almost insane to not spend money. There's always something to 'have'. I'm really not one for jumping on the gadget bandwaggon. I'm not saying I don't lust over an Iphone now and then but do i really want one? Not really. I can't think of anything worse than a Kindle, many people claim to read so much more but what is really the difference? A gadget on your lap or a book on your I'm sorry I'm not getting it! As long as I can text and have a fully functioning lappy I am a happy woman!

Anyway, I seem to have gone off on a tangent slightly. I'm going to leave you with some images of past finds, more in the hope of making me feel better than anything else. Go head and indulge lovely readers.
Cupcake Mumma
Here comes the justifying voice 'Why do you need a plush chicken for goodness sake Hannah? I mean what will it do!? Sit there, look pretty, not be lonely...she was only a pound! (and she wasn't lonely but don't tell OH)
£2 I'm sure a lot of people have these type of books in their house? £2 probably better spent considering I haven't really tried out much from this book! Oops..
These are immense. They hang in my bedroom and were from the charity shop. Justification: Art!
A quid for this beautiful dream catcher (brand new, handmade nobody else's nightmares coming free)  
Overlook the grumpy muffin and focus on the sleeping bag. £1.99 it's huge and does have a nice teddy design. That is a thrifty find where baby items are concerned.
Hello Kitty toy found, still boxed in the charity shop. We gave this to Little Miss for Christmas as it really was a great find. I think it cost £2.50. Think of me what you will.

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