I think I may have been a bit too involved in my memes of late and i've also had a few moments of 'well, what the hell do I write today?' They really suck, trapped brain waves pushing against that spongy wall to no avail...but they made it out, probably found a random gap where something of remote intelligence once lived!
On Saturday (after my lay in you understand) I decided me and Little Miss should just jump on a train and go to Truro. I took a little money, Little Miss grabbed her purse with £7.50 saved up (plus £2 generously donated by Nanny) and we were off. I got some lovely photos at the train station:
View of the tracks at Camborne Station |
Couldn't resist a snap of the tracks not sure why! |
Lovely Little Miss |
Yes, Ted had to come to! |
We arrived after a rather cramped journey on a small train and honestly could not believe the looks I received from one particuar student who decided all her stuff should take up 4 seats..When asked to move her portfolio so my 3 year could sit down you would have thought i'd asked her to get out and push the sodding train!
Once we did arrive though Little Miss got very excited. We decided to hunt for some lunch first and sat down outside the Cathedral. It was cold but we ate fast so we could go inside to light some candles and have a look around. Little Miss loves these buildings and I'm so pleased because they are wonderful. She was full of questions and afterwards we popped into the shop to buy a postcard for me (as I collect them) and Little Miss found a feather pen, paid for it all by herself and has now decided she is exactly like Harry Potter, wand and all!
Truro Cathedral |
Small memorial |
The Madonna with child |
For Uncle Moo, Super Nanny and the Fallen we remember x |
Everytime we go to Truro we light a candle for someone, it's coming up to a year already since my partner lost his Nan, my children's 'Super Nanny' so we lit 3 and donated some money into the boxes.
After this, we looked around some shops, mainly buying some Christmas bits from the good old £ Store, played in the Early Learning Center where we bought Little Man a Christmas gift which i'm sure will keep him amused for hours. It took a while to get Miss out of this store as you can imagine but the temptation of posting some letters for Mummy was too much so off we went!
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Ahh I forgot to mention the little 'fair' we ran in to! We lost at 'find the giant ball hidden under the snowmen' but Miss got 2 Lollies for having a go, she was given a balloon by a rather nice lady who then proceeded to wrap this rather well made and perfectly fitting Princess crown around her head..Now, where she got the candy cane from i'm not so sure! Must have been given it when I wasn't looking!

The day started off nice and peaceful until we heard the band marching down the road 'Of course!' I cried. I slipped on some trainers, Little Miss wanted to tag along too so I needed to shove a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on her (not realising just how bleeding cold it was going to be out there!)
We ran like mad to get to the end of town where I could get a picture of the band,army,navy you name it they were there and I wanted to capture them paying their respects.
We gathered at the local Church for our 2 minutes silence, speeches,laying of the wreaths. I didn't attend the ceremony simply because both Little Miss and I were thoroughly frozen by the time we had paid our respects. I got some lovely shots, loved seeing the gathered crowd come together, shed a few tears and had a brief conversation about why we were there with Little Miss who proceeded to say 'They are all angels in the sky now Mummy'. Bless and how right she is. I said it before and i'd say it again; I would freeze again and for longer to pay my respects to all those lost then and now (although I will put a coat on my daughter.) *Bad Cupcake Mum*
Anyway i'm now looking forward to a rather nice (and long over due) catch up with a school friend I have not seen in over a year! Awful!
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