Love The Little Things #3

I'm so gutted I missed last weeks link up I was just too late! So this is my week 3 and I'm all different to everyone else. As usual! Anyway, onto all the lovely little things that have gone on in my life this week.

I've just finished reading The Memoirs of Fanny Hill which was a really good read once I got used to the old English it was written in. I really enjoyed dipping in and out of it (if you'll excuse the pun!) it's a bit sad, a bit surprising and also ends on a happy note which I like. I've now downloaded a crime book which is new for me and I'll let you know how I get on! Book 2/30 done!

Silent witness has been on my television again this week and I can't get enough. I love Emilia Fox (anyone else have that girl crush thing going on?) I've caught up with Splash as it's harmless television really and of course Eastenders. Goes without saying in my house I'm afraid!

I finally painted my nails after giving them a break. They're now a lovely pastel pink which I'll sparkle up for the weekend ahead.

I found a keane album on iTunes the other night, their first one and it took me straight back. Just back to those days of laying on my bed as a teen with nothing to do but enjoy my music. There's no happy or sad memories, just a relaxed feeling which is quite nice.

I haven't made anything this week at all so allow me to show you my makes from last week. Midges birthday cake from Saturday and her birthday card from her actual birthday on Friday:

Oh, I did make some chocolate using moulds which I popped on hubby's birthday cake today. My mum made the cake though! (And I butchered it for the record because my oven went nuts)

And lastly
I am facing a huge fear tonight and meeting lots of new people at my husband's birthday party. He plays for a football team and we're all meeting at a club. If you don't follow me you won't know why this is so big for me. I have crippling social anxiety in these situations but I'm unusually excited!
I'm also off to a hotel on Sunday with The Hubster and I can't wait!! Have a great weekend everyone!

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Hope your evening went well, and you made some new friends, Joy x x x

  2. Hope your evening went well for you xx

  3. Eastenders is mandatory viewing in our house too, I never miss an episode! I love the birthday cake you made, by the way. My oven is always nuts and only lets me bake things sometimes, and as there's no way of knowing if it's going to work at any given moment, it's 50/50 as to whether any baking works out as intended! xx

  4. That Hello Kitty cake is fab, my girls would love it, sadly my cake decorating skills aren't as good as yours!
    I love Silent Witness too, though 'Nikki's hair is awful this series and it's really distracting me!
    So pleased you linked up. Have a great week xx

  5. I feel your pain about meeting new people. I have the same issues and I know for a fact when people meet me they think I am rude and obnoxious {from the mouth of my husband-when we first meet} Im not though! I put up a guard and find it really difficult meeting new people.

    Love the Hello Kitty cake! I tuned into Splash! too, its for the comedy factor though, I just want them too belly flop all the time! There is a new program of C4 called Jump, its the same there, I watch it to see them fall over and laugh my socks off! {why they put themselves through it is anyones guess! - obviously the money!}

  6. The hello kitty cake looks fab! Hope you're evening went well x
