My Sunday Photo ~ Rest in Peace

I did not know Aylan or Galip or Rehan Kurdi. I don't know any of the people fleeing their counties, risking their lives for a better one. That doesn't have to stop me from caring, from feeling helpless, or scared for them. Even when they make their long, exhausting and dangerous journey they still haven't reached the end, there is still so far to go. This candle is for all the very, very many men, women, children and babies who have so sadly and tragically lost their lives looking for a safer one. May they all rest in peace x

Aylan Kurdi Fund - Set up in honor of Aylan Kurdi. All donations go to Hand in Hand for Syria, a humanitarian agency.

Unicef - The UN's children's charity is helping provide clean water, medicine and psychological support to refugees. Just £9 provides an emergency water kit for a family.

Migrant Offshore Aid Station - Helping reach refugees who are in danger of drowning from overcrowded boats.



  1. Beautiful and powerful message

    Thank you for linking up

  2. Such powerful photo. #mysundayphoto
