A Small bit of Countryside Fun

Last Thursday we unexpectedly had our youngest niece stay for the day so we decided to get up to something a bit more fun than just watching toy story and playing with the ever growing toys in the dining room.

We pulled on our wellies (mine complete with several holes!) and headed to the nearest patch of countryside I can get to on foot, just down the road and away from traffic. Here there a 3 or 4 fields, it isn't quiet because you can hear the busy road straight in front of you and the builders are putting up houses across the way but it's off the usual route, no cars can get in your way and well, it's the closest I'm going to get to the countryside for a long time.

We started jumping in some rather small puddles, looking up at the birds and pylons.

Then we came across some friendly (but shy) horses who allowed me to take a quick photo and I even got to give one a stroke which I haven't done in ages! So sad!

We climbed up a rather muddy hill to get to a small patch of 'forest' it's a small area shaded by trees, left to itself to grow its plants and what not and relatively free from rubbish. This is where the bridge and busy overhead road is though so we didn't stay long! We all took a slip down the slope on the way back down!

We decided to take one of the alley ways as a little change to the short and boring road way home (it's literally 5 minutes) here we found the big puddles!

It was so good to get fresh air and have fun together. We'll take Midge at the weekend because she misses out due to school. Have you been puddle jumping lately? Goodness knows there's been enough rain to get those boots on and jump in!

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Looks like you all had fun! x

  2. Gosh we love going for walks, I wish we lived in the countryside! Luckily we live on a huge estate surrounded by fields and a golf course which has a forest on the back of it, so we do manage to go on a few nice walks, see some squirrels and birds and we like finding leaves and twigs etc :) x
