My Week That was Instagramed 8!

I've been taking less photos recently so am trying a new way of laying out my weekly posts. Let's see if it inspires me to keep up with our weekly goings on because it is great to look back on.

Last week involved:
  • A play date with my niece who was all tired and cuddly. She had a lovely day once Little A stopped snatching his toys back!
  • Midge had a brilliant parents evening which we were both so proud about. Before we went into the hall we let them both burn off some energy in the school playground where I took this lovely picture of A.
  • We got some vampire fangs from the local store which both my two loved. They cracked me up running about with them and making spooky voices. They seem to of developed the same love for Halloween as their Mother.
  • We lit a candle to remember all the babies, born or sadly not, who have passed. It was sad but it felt nice to participate in the 'wave of light' to show parents that we were thinking of their little ones.
  • I won a prize last week! A fab little balloon vampire which will be great for Halloween. My front room was decorated on Friday and I love it!
  • We enjoyed a day in Penzance on Midges day off due to the strikes. We took the train and did some Christmas shopping as well as charity hunting. I bought my niece a lovely jumper and slippers for Christmas.
  • Little A and I had a nice Autumn walk back from the shops on Friday. He loved running on the green and kicking the leaves so I've decided to do it before all the leaves disappear and make way for winter!

As usual I'm linking up with Hannah, so do pop along and check out some more great photos and busy weeks.



  1. What a neat way to document your week! Very cool!

  2. Lovely photos! I like the new layout :)

    That cat jumper is soooo cute!! It sounds like you've had a lovely week - and well done for winning the vampire balloon - can't wait to see it.

    Thank you so much for linking up to #TWTWI xxx

  3. Such a lovely week!
    So glad parents evening went well, not had one yet and strangely nervous.
    The fake teeth look fun, might need to get some for my boys!

  4. This is such a great idea for a linky party, as really my blog is my journal in a lot of ways, so I should add my instragram pictures too it. Love the vampire teeth!

  5. The balloon vampire sounds awesome - I can't wait to see it :) (You have to take a photo. Obvs.)

    It sounds like you've had a lovely week :) I love charity shop hunting!

    Thank you so much for linking up to #TWTWI xxx
