Times are Hard. Manners are Free

Mummy Barrows Ranty Friday
This week I have seen some things which just make me feel so annoyed at some peoples lack of manners. Every morning at school i'll hold a door for fellow mums dropping their children off at school. Most of the time they say their thanks, as do I when the favour is returned. There are a few mums however who think that holding a door for them, their offspring and their pushchair is part of my morning school run job description. I don't mind doing it. I will continue to do it because it is polite. A thank-you now and then
would be nice though.

Dog poop. Yes, if you walk your pooch, let it crap all over the pavements (and I am not over exaggerating here!) it is considered bad manners. I wouldn't dream of letting an animal defecate on a public walkway and then walk off allowing pushchair wheels to be wheeled in it, for elderly people to come close to putting their walking sticks in it and of course, allowing other adults and children to step in it. Lets face it, it's easy to pick up, takes less than 2 minutes and my dear dog walker, is polite.

Bus etiquette. I believe this has been touched upon today already so I won't go on too much. Just in general, when it comes to buses, let others off before you rush on, the driver can see you he will not put his foot down and disappear into the distance as soon as the departing passenger's foot hits the pavement.
Move seats when you can see someone (disabled/elderly) requires the necessary seats. Say thank-you to the bus driver. Alright, so I'm not the 'manner police' but is it really so hard to just say 'thanks'?

Finally I have to say the one thing that has actually really annoyed me today was the lady serving me in the local shopping store chomping away at her chewing gum whilst talking to me. She was lovely in general but my goodness is there anything more annoying? It is quite rude isn't it?
Am I just getting really old and grumpy?!
Let me know!



  1. lol tell me about it, i constantly pushing the pushchair through dog poo! does my head in our roads seem to be covered in it lately! i was also served by a grumpy although it was only primark but dont shove my items in the bag then shove the bag at me thanks !

    1. It's so annoying isn't it? I hate it! Dog poo is the worst though, it's just vile!
      And a lot of staff need to learn some manners in my opinion. You often feel as if is your fault that they work there and don't enjoy their jobs!

  2. I'm either feeling my age too, or just have good manners! HATE dog poo on paths, it's like a slalom course some walks to school and back, drives me mad! x

    1. We have incredibly good manners. Not getting old at all! haha xx

  3. Well said!!! Bad manners are the worst trait a person can have in my opinion.


    1. Here here! They are indeed, makes a person very ugly indeed! xxx

  4. Another one on the dog poo front - pick it all - put it in a bag and then put the bag in a bin - don't toss it into the hedge/trees - our lane often has dog-poo-bag baubles in the trees - disgusting :(

    Manners cost nothing.

    1. Totally agree Vicki that's just as bad not nice for the environment at all in any way :(

  5. aaaah to all of those. Manners cost nothing. So dreadful when people are just rude.

  6. Too true Hannah!And it makes me so cross when older people say the youth of today have no manners,I find it's more often the older generation who 'forget' their manners!Especially to teens!My boys always open doors for 'anybody' and lots of people walk past without saying thank you and worse still 'never' opening the door for them,grrrrr xx

  7. I cannot tell you how often I have arrived home only to look down and see dog poo clinging onto the buggy's wheels! It drives me to distraction!! So, so rude!! Can you imagine the outrage if we left a soiled nappy sat in the middle of a pathway!?!
    And don't even get me started on people who think everyone else is there to do their bidding and do not even have the decency to say thank you!!
    Right, I must stop ranting now lol
