Day 23/31 Dream Job

Ah, my dream job. Sitting on my arse or laying in bed all day. What? I can't choose that as a career you say? Damn.

I am actually studying anatomy and physiology at the moment, I'm only on sections 3 and 4 now but I await my course marks then I can start revising. I'm doing a home study course and look forward to hopefully taking a practical course next year which will be a one day, intense practical study of massage.
I've always wanted to be a massage therapist and there is room for either employment or even working from home. I have a fear of driving so I'm never going to be a mobile therapist but hopefully i could afford to run a little place of my own. just me, my table and some happy customers.



  1. Fun! You can meet lots of new friends with that kind of job!

  2. I don't like driving either - the roads are too busy nowadays. I know a massage therapist, and he enjoys his work but does not get quite enough work, so teaches as well to make up the shortfall, especially now he has a baby daughter.

  3. Hope you achieve your dream!
