Project 366 March 12th-18th

March 12th 2012
My beautiful niece on Monday. It's so lovely having a nice cuddle with her especially now she's bright and beady eyed!

March 13th 2012
As we spent another day together it seemed rude not to take more photos! 

March 14th 2012
74 /366

March 15th 2012
75 /366
New purse. I am in love. Nuff said.

March 16th 2012
76 /366
Postcard from a family member who visited Poland. Doesn't need anymore words I don't think.

March 17th 2012
I started my Pinnaddicts Challenge at last!
March 18th 2012
78 /366
Saturn and Jupiter last night, they're very close to Earth at the moment.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Look how beautiful your neice is hun! She's gorgeous and I tell you what, I am very jealouse of your new purse-it's lush! Happy Mothers Day!x

  2. lovely photos your nieces is beautiful :) x

  3. Your niece is gorgeous and scrummy. Intriguing pinaddicts project!

    Thanks for linking up
