52 Weeks To An Organised Home-Phase One

Right, time to get my shame on. I have decided to post a series of photos that will show you my fellow readers how disorganised I have become (who knows, maybe i'll make someone feel good about themselves?) So here's to my weekly challenge that I will probably start tomorrow evening as I had a bad sleep the other night which seems to still catching up with me!

This here is the cupboard for glasses, bowls, cups and plates. It's all a bit mismatched which I dislike. Baby milk is there for convenience, bottles don't stay in there long enough to annoy me too much but what I do dislike are all my mugs. There is more than this some don't even have all 4 to a set anymore..Much the same for my glasses...Look at those wine glasses! They're huge. My father-in-law to be gave them to us 2 Christmas's ago but we're not big wine drinkers..still just in case!

The under sink cupboard of embarrassment! I have had my stuff in that bag since I moved here a year ago....Lazy. As you can imagine it drives me nuts, I don't really find anything quickly and my daughter's paints are hiding..somewhere there anyway! This should probably be priority number one!

Here we have a junk cupboard, not intentionally but a junk cupboard none the less. There are several pots that don't belong to me, there is a coffee maker that isn't mine, a spare toaster 'just in case' and some cake decorating supplies all of which have been shoved together with little care or thought.

Top draw in my opinion could be worse (you should see my Mums'-sorry Mum) I think it needs a clean and a little tidying up. How many people can keep it perfectly tidy? Answers on a postcard please.

2nd drawer I have no excuses for. Buried under there are tea towels I got for my birthday from Other Half as yet unused, purses, pens, batteries and various other amounts of rubbish which all needs to be removed asap.

I have no words for the baking cupboard other than..What the hell is going on in there? Nah I haven't baked in a while!

Caught Little Man red handed raiding the saucepan 'drawer' (remember the loose term?)
See..not a drawer at all! Ideas welcome!!!

So that's what i'll be doing this weekend, please wish me luck and if you have any ideas feel free to mail me or leave a comment!
X52 Week Organized Home Challenge


  1. Awwww dont they just love the saucepan cupboard! I need to get organised too...I made a start yesterday on my bedroom and threw out 2 black sacks of junk ready to start decorating. It feels soooo good to have a de-clutter!

  2. I have cupboards to rival yours Hannah!Im desparate for a declutter but never find the time.You open any cupboard in our house & it all falls out!Nightmare!

  3. Thanks for the comments :-)
    Ah it's a nightmare the saucepan cupboard! lol
    I'm sorry Jess, but you have just made me feel a little bit better! These things are good to post on a blog because you feel you have to do them! Ill make a start tonight (after cake of course!)

  4. I've thought of you everytime I've opened a cupboard today :-) my cupboards drive me mad,always exploding everywhere!Glad I made you feel better,we could be cupboard partners in crime :-) x

  5. Cupboard partners in crime..I like it :-D

  6. We're on the same page m'dear :) I've just started a blog trying to organise my home and life, as well as some good money saving ideas.

    I'd go through all your cupboards one by one, remember quality not quantity. I'd have a serious think "do I need this?" If not, then either to the charity shop it goes or in the bin! Fully clean and disinfect each cupboard/drawer, and lay everything in neatly :) Then plan every sunday before bed to go through all the drawers and cupboards to make sure they are still nice and organised. Hope this helps!

  7. This is absolutely fantastic!!! Cupcake, I love this post <3 FYI, I introduced you and shared a link to your post on my site:)
    Keep up the good work!!!

  8. Thank-you so much Reecea that is very nice of you. Im due to blog about my results I have not forgotten got a certain someone's birthday preoccupying me at the moment though!
    Looking forward to week 2 also be checking your blog out asap!! x
