The Gallery

Christmas 2009
This was when myself, Little Miss and the Other Half were still living with my parents. A few months after this we moved into our first flat. 
The snow had fallen quite marvelously that year but as you can see this photo was taken on a chilly day out when the snow was just about gone. I don't have many old photos from Christmas about, well not on my laptop anyway, as if I'm truly honest this Christmas will probably be the best I've had in a long, long time. 
Anyway, I'm showing this one as I came across it, saw Little Miss all bundled up in warm clothes having a little woodland adventure with myself and her Daddy, all dinky like there is nothing on her (she would've been 2 1/2 years old, she's nearly 4 now!) We were actually just around the corner from saying 'Merry Christmas' to two ponies which Little Miss had befriended long before. 
This wasn't the best Christmas, little did I know 2010 was going to be ten times worse (thanks to pregnancy and not much else) it was these times walking with my family in the beautiful countryside that got me through any time. And you cannot beat a wonderful walk in the fresh air to make you feel better again.
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  1. I love seeing toddlers all bundled up. She looks lovely and warm there.

  2. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and new year :) xx

  3. That's a lovely photo of your daughter striding off into adventure!
