The Week That Was ~ Week 19 & 20


A very late post but it's always important to me to catch up on the blog about what we have all been up to. Now I obviously can't remember everything that went on 2 weeks ago but I have the most memorable moments to share here. I went on a school trip with Little A's nursery to the woods and it was great fun. I forgot my wellies though which was a bit daft and I missed out on the water fun! We had some lovely weather that week and enjoyed our walks to school. I went out at the beginning of the week with Little A and Mr B before nursery to have a hot chocolate after charity shop bargain hunting. 
On the Thursday I headed out to vote and took Midge with me. At the weekend I watched Mr B play his final game which he won. His family came to watch too so there was a fair few supporters watching him win!

At the weekend we popped round to Mr B's sister's house where we had take out and celebrated his other sisters' birthday with this fabulous cake! 

Last week was mostly spent pottering around at home and getting bits sorted for my trip away with Midge this weekend. I had a large hot chocolate given to me for only £2.70 because the manager needed to finish the milk. That cheered my Monday! This was a tough week with Little A so the weekend was very welcome. I headed off with Mr B to the new local roller rink and it was great fun! I fell over twice hurting my wrist and one last time I totally stacked it- ouch! I've still got bruises on me! After the roller skating we went and had a look at the local market which was a let down so we bought goodies in Tesco from the free from aisle before grabbing a bus back to town where we enjoyed a lovely hot lunch. I had a big plate of chips with sausage and beans, I'm a bit annoyed that it turns out these chips aren't gluten free *boo* luckily I'm only intolerant to it but I prefer to avoid it as I do get quite bloated (worse the more I consume!) it would explain why I always leave Weatherspoons feeling like a whale! I just thought I ate too much! The children had a lovely day with my parents and Gran helping with gardening and going for a walk.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Ooh amazing Costa bargain!!! That fry up looks GOOOOOD!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xxx
