Our Week That Was ~ Week 13

I'm sitting here enjoying my Sunday with a new television box and two children happily immersed in their own activities. Hubby is also happy sat on the sofa with his Bear Grylls and full stomach from this mornings breakfast cooked by myself. It was rather yummy I must say.

This week it was the last week of school. As usual I wanted to make Monday a good starting point to the week. I dropped Midge off to school and then hopped on a train to Truro with Little A who loved this (go figure!) we saw the the Court House, the Cathedral in the distance then went to have a Costa and play in a toy store. We made it back in time for nursery which was great.

On Tuesday I mooched around town before meeting my Hubby for lunch which we haven't done in ages. I only took a photo of him (complete with growing beard!) then we put technology to one side for a nice meal and chat. We both collected the children and headed home out of the weather. Wednesday I got some chill out time before heading home to clean and tidy. I had a hot chocolate and people watched whilst enjoying my new charity shop book find. It was so funny I was laughing out loud, bit embarrassing!

The children had a non uniform day Thursday so they wore their new shoes that I bought the previous day and were very pleased. I spent some time scrambling about for two donations plus £4 for a trip starting after half term. Anyone else do this? I managed to post off some happy mail today and run some errands. I was on pick up duty because Hubby had to help his sister out so I was getting a good work out!

Friday was a lovely day. I watched both the children do their Easter bonnet parades and they both did me so proud with their cat walks. They looked so sweet. I had a Costa with Mum and Little A (Mums treat- win!) then after nursery I treated my mum to lunch out before meeting Hubby in town to go to school. My niece arrived in the evening which was a surprise for my two. They made lots of mess, did crafts and we camped out in the front room (my back!) Mum came back at 4pm Saturday where we had a nice stew for dinner and waited for my sister to come back from university by train. They spent a couple hours at my house before heading home for the night, it's so good to have her home!

Next week it's Easter and half term so I'm thinking baking, chocolate, Midge heading for sleep overs, take out pizza because Dominoes finally opens near me!! I'm visiting my Gran for Easter Sunday and hoping to see my sister and I should be going out to meet some friends and their children for the day.


  1. FAB boots - Harry would love these, and wonderful bonnets #TWTWC

  2. I love books that make you laugh out loud! Don't be embarrassed ;) Sign of a good book! Got to love a good train journey ;)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xx
