Tough Week

Yes, I had a wonderful 24 hours off 'Mum life' at the beginning of the week when I visited Prussia Cove near Penzance for a Story of Mum Mama's Retreat. It was wonderful and I can't wait to be able to gather my thoughts more clearly and share my time there with you.

It may have been wonderful but it wasn't easy. It doesn't matter what people thought of me, inside I was terrified. I had to meet lots of people I didn't know, be in a room full of women (worst nightmare!) and the most terrifying of all, I had to actually speak in front of people. It was tiring and emotional and although I felt great for the most part, it was tough. I really don't think I was alone either.

Since coming back it feels like I shouldn't have bothered. I felt empowered when I left but since then I have been dragged down by continuous toddler tantrums and poor sleep. The phase that Little A had gone through and seemingly left behind a few months ago has reappeared with a vengeance.

He hasn't head butted the floor or the bed in so long and yet now we're back to it. I can't leave him alone because he will hurt himself. I approached the local health visitors recently but am yet to hear from them. I don't think they can help to be honest, I've been told these rhythmic actions can last until 4 years of age. Perhaps finally changing him over to his big boy bed will at least prevent the head banging there and then..well, the rest is just a bad temper!

Isn't it just so rubbish when you have some time to yourself and return to an unhappy home. I'm just desperately trying to remember Monday and Tuesday and all those nourishing thoughts.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. I think maybe he's playing up for your attention because he was unhappy while you were away. Try explaining to him, calmly, that you wont be going away again for a while, and that you still love him very much, he may have been frightened that you weren't coming back.
    Well done for facing a hard situation, I would be terrified of standing up and talking to a bunch of ladies even at my advanced age. Joy x x

    1. Thanks joy. It's been more of an ongoing phase that's causing some frustration but I think you may be right in part for sure. I'm off to Kats next week too I hope I don't make things worse..xx

  2. I do understand. Its like hes punishing you, although not intentionally, for having a break. I hope it ends soon, I have 2 boys that turn to self harm when upset and it can be so hard to deal with. Sending big Welsh ((cwches)) sweetie xx
