My Week That was Instagrammed #12

This week involved:

1) Lots of lovely letters from my pen friends. This letter was filled with cute bunny note slips and stamps were stuck to the paper- I love stamps.

2) Doing some jobs around the house. All that's needed in the lounge are some curtains- I'm freezing! My Mum is making them for us as a joint Christmas present so I'll have to freeze for a bit longer. I moved the whole room around and it feels more 'homely'. Next is the dining room which is my nightmare!

3) I went to town with Little A and Jay so he could do his Christmas shopping (very early for him but he had a lucky win on a scratchcard) We bought a Christmas cookie and a marshmallow ice cream for Little A before doing our weekly food shop.

4) I had some tired snuggles with Little A again this week.

5) Children In Need came around quickly again and this years school theme was 'dress as a hero.' Midge decided to dress as a Police officer so that's what we did. She looks so grown up!

6) I baked gluten free soda bread yum!

7) My Dad bought me this candle recently. I love it because it's all Christmassy. I took it out of its packaging and have displayed it on my fire place- it looks lovely!

There's my week! I hope you all had a lovely week too.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Sounds like a lovely week! Midge does look so grown up!!

    Thank you so much for linking up to #TWTWI xx

  2. What a lovely week and some really cute pictures. Love the candle too.
