Day 28 Something I'm Looking Forward To...

I'm looking forward to a few things both big and small. I'm looking forward to Father's Day where I've planned a unique gift to make for my Dad and I'm looking forward to crafting with my 2 Little Ones for their Daddy.

I'm looking forward to this weekend where we are having a little BBQ to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, how exciting! I'm planning party games, a ball pool and lots of blue! There's only the 4 of us and my sister but I think that it's going to be lovely.

I'm looking forward to dressing Little Miss up as a ladybird this Thursday and making her all patriotic for Friday at nursery. They're having two parties this week and I think she might be a bit excited!

I'm looking forward to starting my workout and loosing a bit of my 'Mummy Tummy', I'm looking forward to our Big Day in August and seeing lots of family we haven't seen in years or just a long time! I also look forward to Christmas as I always do, but don't worry, I'm not planning just yet!

Finally, I'm hoping to plan some trips in the half term for Little Miss as a surprise and near October time I'm really, really hoping I can plan a trip to see the Harry Potter Studios!

What are looking forward to?

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