Oh Sunshine!

Not the real thing sadly but something even better (especially at bedtime- whoops) The Sunshine Award! Kindly bestowed upon me by Melksham Mum (she's lovely do check out her blog).

Now I get to answer some questions so everyone can get to know me better and then pass on the lovely award to some other bloggers who I think are ace!

Favourite Colour- I'm not one for being much of a colour snob so anything goes. However I am a firm favourite for me is pink. Gotta love pink!
Favourtie Animal- Not a huge animal lover although I do have a humster. I'm a cat person, love them but won't own one!
Favourite non-alcoholic drink- Not hard as I don't drink. I like a nice hot chocolate me.
Facebook or Twitter- I have to say Twitter because it's opened me up to a wonderful new world of lovely people.
Favourite Number- 6 always has been. Lucky number is 7 though, again always has been I just like the look of 6 (yes i'm odd)
Favourite Day of the Week- Tuesday. Good TV day!
My Passion- Learning. I love to learn whether it's crafting, about my children, history anything!
Giving or Getting presents- If i'm confident about my skills then the giving. Otherwise, if you're offering...
Favourite Pattern- Polka dots all the way.
Favourite flower- I'm torn between red roses which I love and pink Gerberas. I think they're so gorgeous.
Now to choose some more lovlies to pass on the Sunshine...
The Syders- Because I just think she's fab. Nuff said!
Splashes and Dashes of Yellow- Because Jess is my organising buddy
Mum of One- (I know you have it already bah) This blog is ace and I enjoy reading all the time.
The Content Notebook- I like reading Jenni's goings on and its nice to have a few blogs on my roll that are not all parenting related. 

Right hopefully I will get to learn something new about these lovely bloggers. Thanks again Melksham Mum!


1 comment:

  1. Ah Thank you so much and shall update my post asap. I now have a vision of you as a pink lady of wonderfulness with pink polka dot shoes...but what is a humster, I am envisioning a HUGE BLACK ARMOUR-PLATED rodent LOL. MWAH X
