The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ October

Finally, The Simple Woman's Daybook has returned. Time to take a peaceful five minutes to record Octobers daybook. Please click the badge below to join in yourself.


Outside my window...
It is dark and wonderfully quiet. I sort of wish it was raining. I love being under my duvet all warm and listening to the rain hit the window and pavements. I'm glad it isn't though- must be awful to be without a home in this weather.

I am thinking...
About all the things I have to do for Halloween and how excited I am to being creating and crafting and seeing my nieces and nephews really soon. I'm also thinking about sending Midge to ballet. I think it could be good for her..

I am thankful...
For my family, for those few friends I have and for the ability in others to forgive. I'm always thankful for the roof over my head and the job my partner is in, especially as today 2,000 more jobs are going in a well known sports company.

In the kitchen...
It's a bit of a mess. I have parcels on the table and washing up builds up as fast as it goes. The hamster is chucking his bedding out..I think it might be a hint?

I am wearing...
Slippers, leggings and a comfy top. I'm snuggled under my duvet watching television and drinking peppermint tea. Bliss.

I am creating...
Autumn wreaths, party plans and wooden heart bunting.

I am going...
To the library tomorrow to do some studying of my Anatomy and Physiology in peace. 

I am wondering...
If my husband is really okay. Men just don't open up like women. I'm also a worrier so I'll always wonder if he's okay...

I am reading...
Various crafting magazines.

I am hoping...
That October really is a wonderful month!

I am looking forward to...
Halloween, my birthday, school photos and, dare I say it, Christmas!

I am learning
To sew! I'll get there in the end and haven't been doing too badly!

Around the house...
Needs a bit more TLC. We're still in the process of making our house a home which we all know can take some time.

I am pondering...
What to really cook my husband for his dinner..

A favourite quote for today...
'Minds are like parachutes: They only function when they are open'

One of my favourite things...
Bunting. I just adore bunting!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
To study, to write letters to dear friends, to make Halloween decorations and to be more relaxed.

A peek into my day...


  1. Beautifully simple and a lovely insight into your life. That's a lovely idea, I might have to join in at some point. x

    1. Thank-you. It really is a lovely piece to write x

  2. I enjoyed your blog. We do have to have an open mind to learn. I love all the cupcakes on your blog. I'm a new follower. Have a great week.

    1. Hi Doylene thank-you for your comment and thank you for your follow and lovely comments x

  3. This is a great linky, I've joined in - I love bunting too xx

    1. Thank Emily glad you've joined I shall check it out :) xx
