
Now anyone who reads my blogs knows I have in fact got 2 beautiful children. But for this prompt by BritMums I would like to dedicate my post to my first born..My gorgeous little lady Midge.

Why your child makes you laugh

Dear Midge
You truly are a wonderful little girl. You make me laugh in so, so many ways I will find it hard to list only a few. But first to start, it has not always been easy to make Mummy laugh and I'm sure at times you may have known this in a weird sort of way. It took us such a long time to bond after you were born and Mummy felt so unbelievably down and useless that it was hard to imagine herself ever smiling, let alone laughing again.
It was a very strange time with many horrible feelings that I hope that you never have to experience. But who knew through it all, you would be the one to make all the pain, all the thoughts melt away.
Now you're nearly 4 years old (yeesh really?) and oh my have you come in to your own little self! You crack me up daily, more than once, more than twice.
You have your Mummy's stubbornness, you ask hilarious questions and pull funny faces. The way you wiggle your bum, or try to pee like a boy always make me laugh and I don't care if those things shouldn't, they are funny! Sometimes even when I'm at the end of my tether and we're locking horns, the way you look at me and mimic my every move reminds me just how much like me you will turn out to be..Even then I have to admit defeat and laugh because I know fighting with you will never be any good. It's time for Mum to learn the art of negotiation...
Mummy xxx

*This is a Britmums blog prompt

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