Reasons to be Cheerful

I've had some real lows lately, so low that really only other peoples' happiness was keeping me feeling okay. Like a friend who just got married last weekend, family having a lovely birthday, online friends moving home and moving forward in their lives for some good things to come their way at last. Still, there is always good to be found and this week I have found my good!

1) Yesterday I was dreading toddler group. I've been way, way too hard on myself in regard to Little A's tantrums, I realise that now. The sinking feeling of an oncoming meltdown doesn't ever make you feel good but toddlers tantrum, they don't really 'do' sharing and that's that. Toddler group was great though! A was fantastic, not one scream or meltdown. He loved the puzzles and the ride on cars at the end. I even spoke to two fellow mums who were just so nice. Mostly I was just so proud of my boy and then myself for not giving in to my anxiety. It helped it was at the Salvation Army, the church setting was a comfort to me in a time I needed the push to go through those doors!

2) Surprises! I got a huge box in the mail last week from my ever beautiful friend Kat. I was only expecting curtains and a left behind hoody but I had a whole box of treats for the family. I was a ruddy mess when I found the card:

Kat, you have no idea what this means to me xx

Another surprise was dinner out on Tuesday evening- Jason's treat! He also booked two days off, today and tomorrow which is lovely!

3) Books. I'm a bookworm right now, devouring them! Nothing beats being lost in a good novel and it's making me very cheerful to get the peace I need.

Please link up with Jo at Ojos World for this weeks R2BC!

Cupcake Mumma
Ojos World


  1. Oh sweetheart. You can still email me if you need a chat. I can even send you my mob number if you need more xxxxx (glad you made it to toddler group, good step to take)

  2. Fantastic reasons!! I braved the Children's Centre recently after months avoiding it and found the same thing. I think I'd gone through so many scenarios in my head that I got all worried about it and when I finally got there, they were both as good as gold x

  3. I am glad that everything is okay! Would love to read a book too tonight but too tired. I have two in waiting =P #R2BC

  4. Yes, Toddlers tantrum. It is such a relief when they don't though, isn't it? I went through a time of avoiding going out with each of mine at that stage, but really most other mums understand what it's like. What lovely surprises you've had, and there really is nothing quite so fab as a good book.

  5. Remember those toddler tantrums and how you end up beating yourself up for something that is quite OK really. Well done on not letting anxiety stop you. Parcels are always good fun and by the way I have got through the last week with lots of help from that little card you kindly sent me. Pleased to hear Jason is treating you well. Have just emptied hundreds of books onto the floor as I unpack in the new house and hope to get reading tonight. Always here if I can help in any way

  6. so glad you have refound your happy place! toddlers are such a stress but we've all been there and come out the other side so I hope you will soon too x
