
A New Room for Midge

Since we moved here Little A and Midge have chopped and changed rooms a fair number of times for various reasons. Over the past year though Midge has had her bedroom and slowly but surly it's started to look tired and in need of some TLC. I'm so pleased that finally, at last, I have (with help from my very own (Super) Mum) given my daughter the room she has wanted for so long. 

It wasn't an easy process, the room was supposed to be turning pink but once we started the paint started to change colour on the wall and look patchy. I panicked, I got out the white paint and felt like I had ruined the whole thing. I called in reinforcements (Mother) and soon the whole room was white, a blank canvas waiting to be decorated.

We found Midge's bed for £10 at a market place. It's gorgeous. Her little table mirror was found by Jason, I think he paid a fiver for it which is a total bargain and is such a nice touch for my little girls' room. I really loved the wall stickers I purchased from Store 21. They're so, so pretty and only 99p so  I bought 3 packs plus another pack which included the bird cage.

This desk was in my dining room and was used by everyone, but since Midge has taken an interest in reading and writing and now I have a laptop, I made the decision to move the desk and chair into her room which was a good choice, now all her 'stuff' has a more appropriate 'home.' I'm using the space for her school certificates and she's got some school related posters I can pop up on her wall too, like the times tables.

I picked this owl clock up from Store 21 (everything is from this shop, just so you know!) It was £1.99 and Midge adores it. She's obsessed with learning the time at the moment, we're getting there...slowly. Very slowly..!

Finally, I couldn't not pick up this lovely canvas design to complete her wall. I'm really pleased with how the room now looks. Before it was very tired looking and dull. Now it's brighter and is the room she has been after for quite some time. The whole room was done on a budget too so I'm also pleased with that!

Cupcake Mumma

Life Lately..

So as you can see blogging took a back seat and therefore so did my great effort in the a-z challenge. Unfortunately, once my phone smashed I lost the best way of taking photos and I really don't like to post many blog posts without some photos. I kept going for a few days but then I was hit by a hideous cold which still hasn't left me. I've been feeling so tired recently I'm in desperate need of an overhaul. Anyway, I've missed a couple of weeks of my week that was posts and wanted to make sure I caught up as best I can.

Week 16

In this week I had my usual Costa date with Little A on Monday, Daddy joined us too as he was working nights instead of days this week. We had another date on Thursday because we can! (Although I really do need to rein in my hot chocolate habit again.) Our sunflowers have really shot up this week and the children were so pleased to see them getting taller. They really need pots of their own now! I found a lovely note from Midge on Monday too. 
On Wednesday it was a beautiful day to walk slowly to nursery with Little A. We found a left over egg shell on the road and a train with a new sign on (we love these, can't wait to get a photo of the Glastonbury Festival one!) On Thursday I was heading to collect the children when, overwhelmed with bags for my niece and nephews party we were shortly attending, I dropped and smashed my phone, I was more upset at the thought of the cost than anything else. The next day I went to Costa with A then handed my phone over to be fixed,Luckily at only £40 phew. 
The birthday party was lovely, I loved the cake which my sister in law took a photo of. The children had so much fun at soft play. I think we spent the weekend relaxing with my Mum as Jay was on an all day and night stag do! Sunday was a painting of the house day which went well but is still in process more inside than out!

Week 17

Monday was a chore day, including the posting of some rather overdue parcels! On Tuesday I came down with my cold and with feeling so low in energy anyway I gave up on everything non essential! This theme runs for the rest of the week to be honest. On Thursday I finally got my phone back but I really haven't used it much, I realised I used it a lot when I shouldn't. I bought a whack a mole game Little A wanted in a charity store, we had some fun playing before nursery. We collected pine cones before school this week and found a birds nest too. We had a Dominoes dinner on Thursday night with family which was really nice and our first BBQ happened on Tuesday. So good! It was Trevithick day on Saturday, I'll write properly about this as it was so great. Candy floss, steam engines, Cornish dancers and musicians and Midge and I got on a rather fast ride together; I thought she'd chuck up on me at one point!

That's as much as I can remember in all honesty but I've made up for my absence any how! If you're here from the A to Z challenge then please accept my apologies, I was doing so well so I'm a bit gutted but I just don't have the energy to keep up at the moment.

Cupcake Mumma

Weigh Lose or Stay ~ Week 1

I've just stumbled across a new to me blog called Laura's Lovely Blog and I was drawn to her new Weigh, Lose or Stay linky. I've been feeling less and less confident and more and more self conscious in my everyday life. I feel I'm just getting bigger. I feel bloated all the time and it's getting me down. I need some motivation and I guess heading to this link up might give me some support in moving forward!

I'm not on any specific diet or exercise programme. I will be doing the best I can with exercise at home as this is my cheapest option also with foot injuries I can't push myself too much! I'm super lazy, the only exercise I do is the school run. I don't eat awfully but I don't eat great either and this has to change.

I'm currently over 10 stone which will sound nothing to some people but I'd like to get back to 9. Mainly I'd just like to lose the weight I have on my stomach, hips and tone up in general.

Reasons to Lose Weight:

To feel fitter when playing with the children.

To love myself more instead of feeling rubbish all the time.

For my health. Losing weight and eating healthier will improve my digestive problems, my energy levels and sleep. And a host of other things!


To get to 9 stone again (or feel more comfortable in those areas I want to target, whichever comes first!)

To stop my constant need to eat. I eat all the friggin time and I'm driving myself nuts. When I'm down, bored, happy it's food I want.

To exercise more and become comfortable with myself. Knowing that even if all I do is 20 minutes, at least I am doing something.

To cook healthier meals.

I hope to make some blogging buddies here and get some support. I think in my next post I should update on any exercise I managed and I might do measurements instead of weight? Do share in the comments below any free from recipes, encouragement or links to your own posts so I can read and help support you too!

Cupcake Mumma

Weigh, Lose or Stay - Laura's Lovely Blog

Mami 2 Five

A-Z Challenge: R

R is for Rescue Remedy!

If you've never heard of this stuff and suffer with nerves, anxiety or just bouts of being a bit more worried than usual then I really recommend Rescue Remedy!

I suffer with Social and General Anxiety disorder. I take a low dose of medication but time and time again I come back to Rescue Remedy, especially when it comes to my nerves! It's a herbal remedy with brandy which can taste pretty strong to someone like me who doesn't drink at all!

Rescue Remedy gets dropped in my drink when I go out and am facing an appointment I'm a bit nervous about. If I'm at home and have an out of a blue anxiety attack I'll drop a few drops under my tongue which will help calm me down in 10 minutes or so.

It's horrible living with a very sensitive nervous system and anxiety can just be awfully crippling. I'd always recommend this stuff to anyone. Maybe it doesn't work at all but I'm sure it does!


Quiet Time...A to Z Challenge

Today has been really rather lovely. I had a lay in (a quiet one too as both children were sleeping in, one in her room and the other in my arms.) I made a cooked breakfast and I also made my Husband a sausage sandwich to help his hangover along. It must have worked because he was out painting the front of our house after a shower for 2 hours! He even mowed the lawn and I got to do some blogging and read this fab new book by Caitlin Moran (above) It's a really good book. Not the best I've ever read granted but it's still a good read that I'm kind of reluctant to put down. It's nice to read a book about a teen again, I'm so used to reading books now that are based on much older characters and sometimes it's nice to go back a bit.

I hope your Sundays were as good as mine whether they were just as quiet or much more noisy!

Cupcake Mumma

#Paperhaul April! ~ A to Z Challenge

#Paperhaul has now been dropping through my letter box for 4 months and I absolutely love it! This months theme is balloons and it has totally outdone any previous favourites- I love this box!

Below are images of the unique stationery I received in this months #Paperhaul Box, 

You get 2 papers with a print on each side. This month the prints are hard to chose from!

Only a Phone... A-Z Challenge

Two days ago I was walking to collect my children from school, slightly weighed down by gift bags as we were heading to my niece and nephews' birthday party soon after. I was about to put my phone back into my pocket after speaking with my husband when it just slipped through my hand and went screen down onto the concrete. I was gutted!

Okay, I know it's just a phone. I'm missing it though and I know that sounds maybe a bit pathetic. I really don't care. I have several friends that I like to keep in touch with because they're both having a tough time at the moment. It's much easier to keep up with each other with texts throughout the day rather than calling once in a while where we're surrounded by bickering toddlers and can't hear a word the other is saying. I'm going to use my skype on the laptop to keep in touch with one but gosh I miss just firing off a text to them and to my Husband!

I also miss my camera on it. My actual cameras have cards that no longer fit into my new laptop. Of course now I've had them both for about 4 years the cables are well, goodness knows where. Yes I'd like to use them but my phone camera is so good and it's so quick and easy to load my photos up that I miss it. I take a lot of photos of my children and what I get up to throughout my day so I'm not embarrassed to say I'm a little lost without it!

I feel I have a good balance in life with my phone. I'm not obsessed, I'm just used to a certain way of doing things. Short cuts if you like. Checking my money on the go, snapping my day, keeping in touch with those closest to me in a quick and easy way when they're away (hubby) going through a tough time or possibly in labour! I write a lot, I love reading, I do 'stuff' with my children but yes, I miss my phone. Here's hoping it's fixed within the week!

Cupcake Mumma

Nothing but Happy Thoughts! ~ A-Z Challenge

It's Thursday, so I thought as I'm in a pretty good frame of mind today I could use the lovely Reasons to be Cheerful link up to spread some cheer and to also use it as today's letter on the A to Z challenge; because today I really do feel there's Nothing but Happiness!

1) Firstly it's proud Mumma moments. Midge has been doing so well with her reading she's now going steadily through her set books and her teacher has moved her up to a different phonics group. I'm so proud of her. Now we are working on her confidence! Also, Little A is talking like nobodies business and it doesn't matter if I'm the only one who can sometimes understand him, I have waited for this time for so, so long!

2) Today, like many parents and carers we awaited the school admissions here in the UK. I'm pleased to say my Little A is indeed going to the same primary as his big sister. I'm over the flipping moon!

3) Although I dropped my phone today and smashed the screen, I'm pleased that hopefully it'll get fixed quickly and it's not going to cost the arm and leg I was expecting! Small things hey?

4) A part from my weight I am in general in a good place. The children are happy, I'm not too uptight about the house being totally the opposite of how I want it, I've had fun this week playing with make up too and I'm really pleased that my lowered dose of anxiety medication seems to be going well for me.

What are your Reasons to be Cheerful this week?

Cupcake Mumma

Ojos World

My Week That Was ~ Week 15 ~ A to Z Challenge

I'm really late posting My Week That Was post but it's better late than never in my book! Last week was the last of the Easter holidays. I kicked off Monday well with a trip to Costa for the little ones. The staff there love my two and they love to be polite and help tidy their mugs and spoons away when we've finished. It's adorable.

We didn't do a lot last week so I won't break it all down into days a part from the weekend. We did a camp out in our lounge during the week, made homemade S'mores after a spontaneous trip to the supermarket and the children played out front on their bikes whilst I dug up some weeds and then sunned myself for a while!

At the weekend we visited my mums house where we chilled out for a few hours. I got to catch up with my parents, visit a charity shop there where I found several books I'd been after for ages and we went to the local beach with my sister for sand and sea fun (including chasing Midge around with seaweed!)

Beautiful sunset on Tuesday// Postcards and gift from my friend who was holidaying in New Zealand// Sunning myself in the garden// Homemade S'more// Friday morning photo by Midge// Hubby won the league on Saturday// My yummy dessert on Saturday// Playing at the beach// My babies and me at the harbour

Such a good way to end the week. Hope yours was good too.

Cupcake Mumma

Lowering the Dose Part II ~ A-Z Challenege

A few weeks ago I wrote Lowering the Dose which looking back is a little all over the place and not great writing by any standards but it was me, in that moment, at that time and I won't go back editing things out or deleting words I felt at that time of writing. I hope this post comes across a bit less jumbled if you like.

So how is the lower dose going? It's going good. I am now on a 10mg dose of my medication for anxiety and low mood. I remember when I lowered my meds last year I was anxious, nervous, irritable but this time is different. I found initially I a bit short tempered and admittedly I wasn't the happiest person to be around. I wasn't sure if this was normal and started to consider a return trip to the doctors. As it turns out a week and a bit later I started to feel brighter, it was all fairly normal if not a little unpleasant.

Now I am feeling much better. My low moods are more to do with my over thinking or attitude rather than anything a pill can help with so yes, it is still a battle. I'm struggling at the moment with my confidence due to my weight and my excessive blushing. I will get through it though. A memory triggered something and it has placed me in a vulnerable place blushing wise so I find I am thinking about it more which means I am doing it more. I am experimenting with make up and am still contemplating therapy but deep down acceptance is the only 'cure' and I know this.

Overall this is so far a positive journey for me. I can see myself lowing the dose of my medication again over the summer with a view to being free from medication in 2016. I know anything can happen to change things in such a space of time but without hope, without goals or pushing myself just the right amount then I may never change.

You know when the time is right but make sure you know when you're struggling too. If you're also lowering your medication or ready to come off it completely feel free to leave me a comment and know you're not alone in your journey :)

Cupcake Mumma

Keeping it Real ~ A to Z Challenge

It's very easy to read blogs and watch vlogs and come to the conclusion that all a lot of us do are fun days out, educational activities, messy play and that we're happy-happy in our wonderfully tidy home. The truth? Well for me my blog is for memories and snippets, I don't really need to look back at the bad times (not to say I don't blog the real stuff, my mental health page for a start) but I get how people feel. So just for those of you who need a bit of 'please tell me I'm not the only one who can't keep my sh*t together!' This ones for you (because I can't either...)

Exhibit A- The Never Shrinking Laundry

I'm a Stay at Home Mum so my laundry should be under control right? Wrong. See also:

Exhibit B- The Multiplying Dishes

Seriously I wash, I scour the house, I tip the water away and an hour later it's like the Mount Everest of dirty dishes.

Exhibit C- The Dying Tumble Dryer

Do you have something in your home that is on its last legs but not quite done yet, so you keep it regardless of it being old and only working upside down?

Exhibit D- Clutter is the curse of all

The charity bags that pile up

The toddler bed that's been sat there for at least 2 months now (maybe longer)

The dumping ground (more commonly known as the dining table that hasn't seen a family dinner in a fair while )

Other things that keep me real:

My kids don't shower all the time and they don't stink so I won't go feeling bad about it.

My house hasn't seen polish in at least a month.

I shout, and swear and sometimes both at the same time.

We don't go out lots, we rarely do messy play, homework will be the death of me, I miss appointments, I still co sleep with my four year old, I am evil when woken up at stupid o'clock and I care too much about the mums at school (and everyone else)

What keeps you real? Can you identify with any of these? I sure hope so else I'm just going to hide under this duvet and never come out! (Yes I'm watching kids TV, with a duvet before can wait ;)

Cupcake Mumma

Just Being ~ A-Z Challenge

I have had such a lovely day. There was only one plan today and that was family lunch out, otherwise there were no other things to do, no expectations. Just relaxing. Just being.

I went to the charity shop alone and found two bargain books and a puzzle game for the children. We went to the beach, saw the boats in the harbour, visited several touristy shops and all before lunch (which was delicious!) After lunch, the children had a bath at Grandmas and watched a film or played in the garden before heading home to chill before bed. Just such a wonderful day being us. Just being the old Mumma.

Here are the photos from our day:

Cupcake Mumma

Imagination ~ A to Z challenge

As a child I had a great imagination. I thought I saw Father Christmas, I played awesome role play games with my siblings, I could pretend quite easily I had an invisible friend (George) and my beloved dog Holly who passed away would walk next to me when I was at school (only in my head of course!) As I've grown up I've lost a lot of imagination. Even for simple things to be honest. I love watching my children use theirs now, it makes me so warm inside. Twigs can be swords, trees are horses, they role play all kinds of games in their minds and talk to themselves (of course to them they're playing an ace game all alone, but to us they're just shut in a room with thin air- see, no imagination ha ha!)

The reason I'm writing all this is because Midge has been asked to imagine what the tooth fairy looks like and what she does with all our teeth. Below is a picture she has drawn and I've labelled and I've written exactly what she's said to me. First, my turn. I want to use my imagination a bit too. Tooth fairies were the only things that kept me happy as a child when I'd lose a tooth or had a wobbly one. Now I hate anything to do with teeth, dentists anything at all! I wonder how it changed?

Anyway, The tooth fairy to my mind is very small, with white sparkly wings, blond hair, a small white bag for her teeth (she shrinks the teeth she collects) She wears a very sparkly white dress and has pale skin. She takes the teeth and cleans them up until they're dazzling white and adds them to her castle. There, that's made me feel warm and fuzzy!

Here's Midges take on the tooth fairy-

The tooth fairy is as small as mouse and wears a little pink dress. She has a magic wand that she uses to shrink my teeth and she swaps it for money (sometimes a £1!) She puts the small tooth into her purse and then when she gets home she cleans it up and uses it to build bridges, castles, houses and paths in her fairy land!

Cupcake Mumma

Harry Potter! A-Z Challenge

There really could be no other topic for today's letter. I adore Harry Potter. The books, the movies, the studio tour which I visited last October, it's all amazing! I first read the books when I was 15 which was some time after they were released. After that I would pick up every book. I watched the films and enjoyed them but it's only the last couple of years that I've really got into the whole Harry Potter fan club!

I enjoy playing the games on the Playstation, have all the books and films, some postcards, a mug and notebook plus several tops and PJ bottoms! I have a broach I added the Deathly Hallows to too:

The tour was amazing, here are some photos:

My favourite characters are Luna Lovegood, Harry Potter, Mrs Weasly and Bellatrix Lastrange.

Do you love Harry Potter too? I'd love to know what your favourite film/character/souvenir is. Have you been to the studios or even to the Florida tour?

Cupcake Mumma

Great First Week of Easter Holidays ~ Week 14 ~ AtoZChallenge

Oh we've had a lovely first week of the Easter holidays. We are now on week 2 and I doubt you'll get the same photos as last week! We started Monday by going to Penzance to visit several fellow Mums and their children. We had chips, popcorn, chatted and laughed and more. The children played wonderfully and even had a little egg hunt around the house (which was a converted chapel and stunning may I add!) we all enjoyed our train journey to and from Penzance.

On Tuesday I took the children to town to pick up a parcel and then they tagged along for my nurses appointment at the! They were rewarded by a lunch out in Weatherspoons and daddy arrived after work which was a lovely surprise.
Wednesday was a day of rest for me! We literally did very little a part from movies and playing inside with cars, trains and what not. Okay I observed more than join in but you know...Thursday oh wow I read a whole book in one day, I was so proud of myself! Midge went to my Mums' to stay for two nights. She baked Easter cupcakes and had cat cuddles plus more adventures with my sister who is down at the moment.

Train journey// Playing nicely// Easter egg hunt success// Lunch out// Catching up with Kat and Baby T via skype// Big breakfast// Book I read in one day// Banana cake- yum!

Friday was pamper day! Midge and my sister both got their nails done while my Mum and I went and had back and neck massages (very nice, shame the effects didn't last longer though!) It was very relaxing and a welcome change from home. Midge went back with Mum and I went home to cook a spag Bol which I devoured. Turkey mince is so good for the record.

On Saturday Little A and I just chilled out together waiting for Midge to come home. They played together for ages and I cooked a little while they were both entertained! I watched Friends today and caught up on TV. The weather wasn't great so we didn't get to watch Jay play football, hopefully will this Saturday. Sunday was lovely, you can read about it here. A whole afternoon at my Gran's house with all the family (nearly all, my brother is still up country) it was a great day with adventure and good food.

Easter cupcakes by Midge// New socks!// My sister getting pampered// Midge's turn!// Hot chocolate in a favourite mug// Easter eggs!// Easter muffin// On the way to Penzance for family time// Paddling

Cupcake Mumma 

Fifty Reasons to Smile ~ A-Z Challenge

Something a little different today, a list post and a list of 50 things that make me smile which also happens to be on my 101 in 1001 days list that I haven't quite finished writing in my journal just yet!

1 My children

2 My husband

3 Good food and clean water everyday

4 My children go to a really good school

5 Books and reading

6 Writing- letters, diaries, my blog anything. Just being able to write.

7 I'm healthy

8 Lowering my dose of anxiety tablets is going well

9 I'm planning days out with my eldest girl

10 I'm doing a pretty good job at being a mum

11 Our sunflowers are growing wonderfully

12 Plans to see one of my best friends are hopefully materialising

13 Eating meat again has made me feel better. I'm not sure I needed it per say but I like having it in my diet after so many years

14 My Gran is doing so well after her knee op and pacemaker fitting

15 I'm enjoying my blogging again

16 I've realised I have to do something to move on in my life (elusive one there!)

17 My friend is having an awesome once in a life time trip and I'm happy for her

18 Another friend is due her second baby any day now which is just amazing

19 I have lots of stuff to give to charity stores locally

20 I'm able to put some more money away for Christmas this week

21 I had a wonderful Easter weekend

22 My sister is back from university for a break which is so good

23 I'm narrowing down where I'd possibly like to volunteer

24 I get to help at school soon with their nursery forest trips

25 New found wanting to explore!

26 I live in Cornwall, what's not to smile about!

27 My postcard collection is getting pretty big!

28 In a day I get to blog about Harry Potter-this fills my little heart with geeky happiness

29 I've got a roof over my families head

30 There's a decent garden here the children love, it's something we've never really had

31 The children are sleeping better

32 Little A has been doing so well lately.

33 Midge has been writing lots she now has 2 pen friends. So proud.

34 The sun has been shining

35 I have Harry Potter pjarmas ha!

36 We're getting ideas together for summer

37 Next month I'll be going to a spa for a hen do- big deal anxiety wise!

38 Contact with one of my best friends has been better recently

39 I'm out for a birthday lunch this Saturday

40 Yesterday I treated myself and the babies to Costa and a pizza dinner with doughnuts from Dominoes

41 I received two new books in a book swap

42 Long hot showers

43 I've started to clear the garden

44 I have a new DVD on the way which will complete a series I have

45 Hubby comes home at a decent time from today

46 I've got ice cream and biscuits in the house!

47 I've arranged a play date for Midge and her friend today. I love them playing with their friends

48 Sunday cooked breakfasts. Most weeks I can look forward to one of these either made by us or a special treat!

49 My collections always make me smile. Notebooks, stamps, carebears, postcards, journals.

50 Most importantly, life. A good one I have and should keep making better!

Cupcake Mumma

Easter with The Cupcakes ~ A-Z Challenge

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. I wasn't over enthused about heading over to my families get together because I'm a bit of a hermit and having been out a fair bit in the last week with the children I really wanted to 'just be' in my home. I've since thought things through and given a recent family scare, this Easter could have so easily not have been how it was today. You have to grab these things, it's so important.

We had a slow morning with the children discovering all the treats. I had muffins, Jason some mini chocolate eggs and both the children had an Easter egg they loved.

We went to see my Gran and my Aunt who were with my Dad and Sister waiting for us. My sister was cooking our roast which we settled down to after having a chat and letting the children play about. We had jelly, ice cream and even cake for pudding which all went down very well!

Five of us then went for a walk and a paddle before settling down for a final drink and chat before Grandma drove us back home. I ate my Easter egg shortly after the children went to bed and enjoyed every last bite of my orange chocolaty goodness! Such a wonderful day.

I hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend too.

Cupcake Mumma