
Easter with The Cupcakes ~ A-Z Challenge

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. I wasn't over enthused about heading over to my families get together because I'm a bit of a hermit and having been out a fair bit in the last week with the children I really wanted to 'just be' in my home. I've since thought things through and given a recent family scare, this Easter could have so easily not have been how it was today. You have to grab these things, it's so important.

We had a slow morning with the children discovering all the treats. I had muffins, Jason some mini chocolate eggs and both the children had an Easter egg they loved.

We went to see my Gran and my Aunt who were with my Dad and Sister waiting for us. My sister was cooking our roast which we settled down to after having a chat and letting the children play about. We had jelly, ice cream and even cake for pudding which all went down very well!

Five of us then went for a walk and a paddle before settling down for a final drink and chat before Grandma drove us back home. I ate my Easter egg shortly after the children went to bed and enjoyed every last bite of my orange chocolaty goodness! Such a wonderful day.

I hope you enjoyed your Easter weekend too.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. You must have had an incredible photographer following you round ;) You're so right about this Easter and it was a really lovely day with everyone :) xxxx

    1. Just some weirdo following us around ;-) haha yeah it was a lush day glad you could be there xxx

  2. Hope you're all ok. sounds like you had a lovely day. Thee pictures are fab xxx
