
A-Z Challenge: R

R is for Rescue Remedy!

If you've never heard of this stuff and suffer with nerves, anxiety or just bouts of being a bit more worried than usual then I really recommend Rescue Remedy!

I suffer with Social and General Anxiety disorder. I take a low dose of medication but time and time again I come back to Rescue Remedy, especially when it comes to my nerves! It's a herbal remedy with brandy which can taste pretty strong to someone like me who doesn't drink at all!

Rescue Remedy gets dropped in my drink when I go out and am facing an appointment I'm a bit nervous about. If I'm at home and have an out of a blue anxiety attack I'll drop a few drops under my tongue which will help calm me down in 10 minutes or so.

It's horrible living with a very sensitive nervous system and anxiety can just be awfully crippling. I'd always recommend this stuff to anyone. Maybe it doesn't work at all but I'm sure it does!



  1. I too have social anxiety, and had no idea this remedy existed. thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. I am also a fan of Rescue Remedy. I believe that it works and the one for night time definitely helps me sleep, important when I'm on night shift.

    1. Oh I must try the night one, sometimes I have awful trouble sleeping! Thanks Margaret x

  3. Thanks for this post, I am going to look for some. I also don't drink either! Anxiety is so horrible, it stops me doing so much at times! xx

    1. I think we're more alike than we realise!! I agree, it really is horrid so I hope you find some of this stuff and it works! xx

  4. I love Rescue Remedy, my Mum had cancer when I was 17 and her nurse gave me a bottle of it to try help me.
    Now I use that, and they do great pastilles in a tin for my son who's 12 and has really bad anxiety about school. Fantastic stuff! xxx

  5. Oh my goodness, I used to swear by this stuff. And I think that I could do with a few drops of it before bed at the moment.

    BM x

  6. I have used it before and did find it helped. Whether its psychological or has a real benefit, if it helps who cares. Anxiety is a common but horrible problem. I say common as I work in a GP surgery and there are so many people who suffer with some form of anxiety. I've suffered with it in the past and still do at times, I've always managed to control it so far but I have had a panic attack before which is a horrendous feeling :(.

    Kate xx

    1. You're right if it works it works and that's all that matters! That's so interesting how many people suffer with anxiety. I hadn't realised until i joined the blogging community quite how many people were affected by anxiety :( x

  7. Hi Hannah, my daughter suffers with Tourettes and lives with anxiety on a daily basis. I hadn't heard about Rescue Remedy until I read your post. Thank you for sharing, that sounds perfect for her GSCE's that are looming xx
