
Life Lately..

So as you can see blogging took a back seat and therefore so did my great effort in the a-z challenge. Unfortunately, once my phone smashed I lost the best way of taking photos and I really don't like to post many blog posts without some photos. I kept going for a few days but then I was hit by a hideous cold which still hasn't left me. I've been feeling so tired recently I'm in desperate need of an overhaul. Anyway, I've missed a couple of weeks of my week that was posts and wanted to make sure I caught up as best I can.

Week 16

In this week I had my usual Costa date with Little A on Monday, Daddy joined us too as he was working nights instead of days this week. We had another date on Thursday because we can! (Although I really do need to rein in my hot chocolate habit again.) Our sunflowers have really shot up this week and the children were so pleased to see them getting taller. They really need pots of their own now! I found a lovely note from Midge on Monday too. 
On Wednesday it was a beautiful day to walk slowly to nursery with Little A. We found a left over egg shell on the road and a train with a new sign on (we love these, can't wait to get a photo of the Glastonbury Festival one!) On Thursday I was heading to collect the children when, overwhelmed with bags for my niece and nephews party we were shortly attending, I dropped and smashed my phone, I was more upset at the thought of the cost than anything else. The next day I went to Costa with A then handed my phone over to be fixed,Luckily at only £40 phew. 
The birthday party was lovely, I loved the cake which my sister in law took a photo of. The children had so much fun at soft play. I think we spent the weekend relaxing with my Mum as Jay was on an all day and night stag do! Sunday was a painting of the house day which went well but is still in process more inside than out!

Week 17

Monday was a chore day, including the posting of some rather overdue parcels! On Tuesday I came down with my cold and with feeling so low in energy anyway I gave up on everything non essential! This theme runs for the rest of the week to be honest. On Thursday I finally got my phone back but I really haven't used it much, I realised I used it a lot when I shouldn't. I bought a whack a mole game Little A wanted in a charity store, we had some fun playing before nursery. We collected pine cones before school this week and found a birds nest too. We had a Dominoes dinner on Thursday night with family which was really nice and our first BBQ happened on Tuesday. So good! It was Trevithick day on Saturday, I'll write properly about this as it was so great. Candy floss, steam engines, Cornish dancers and musicians and Midge and I got on a rather fast ride together; I thought she'd chuck up on me at one point!

That's as much as I can remember in all honesty but I've made up for my absence any how! If you're here from the A to Z challenge then please accept my apologies, I was doing so well so I'm a bit gutted but I just don't have the energy to keep up at the moment.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Oh lucky the phone was only £40, it could have been so much worse. My JJ dropped his iPad last week and the minimum sems to be about £80 to get new glass etc. He is distraught! Have a great week ahead, mich x

    1. Oh I would be too I saw pound signs thank goodness they're not as pricey locally dread to think what a store would charge me! Hope you have a good week too!x

  2. Seems like I'm missing out on all the fun! A family Dominoes as well :( Loved seeing the pics of you guys at Trevithick day! Did you not make it down to the Food Fest in the end? I know what you mean about the phone too, since mine's been gone I've become so aware of how much time I used to spend on it, and how much time everyone else does for that matter! Drives me crazy when I'm sat with my friends and they're all on their finds, but then I think that's how other people must feel when I'm sat on mine!

    Hope you're feeling better now <3 Miss you xxx

    1. Ahh it was the little ones and jays sister we decided to go for a take out we will do that next time with you! Nope didn't make it over but I didn't miss it, prefer T day I think was good fun with midge too :) miss you lots too!xx

  3. Hello there.
    Sorry you couldn't complete the A-Z Challenge! Hope your health has greatly improved. I didn't get to visit your blog during the crazy month of April so I'm popping over today from the Road Trip. My goal is to visit all the blogs that linked up, before next year's challenge starts up again.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess
