
Day 30 What's in my Make Up Bag?

I don't actually wear make up but for some reason I still have a make up bag. Okay, I wear it occasionally but literally I curl my lashes and pop on a bit of mascara!

In my bag I have:
* Nivea face/hand cream
* Cuticle shaper
* Eyelash curlers
* Several mascaras neither of which help my stupidly long eyelashes stay curled!
* Nivea lip balm
* Several different sized tweezers and waxing strips

Nothing exciting and actually I have more in there just the above are my most used. I can't believe we're nearing the end of the challenge, I know it's been different from my usually posts but after a month of not really knowing what to blog about it's kept CupcakeMumma going.


Day 29 Where Have you Travelled?

I bet I'm going to be so very boring compared to a lot of the bloggers participating in this challenge! I have only travelled out of the UK twice and that was, on both occasions, to France.

I went when I was very tiny on a big family holiday and I don't remember a thing. I was probably about 3 but have been informed I ate frogs legs. How gross.
I also went to Brittany when I was in year 7 with my school year so I was 11 then. We stayed in a convent, had only 5 minutes to shower to get through everybody, there was a lot of sun burnt teens and not much to do. I came back with a few items from the Hypermarche. I don't have the items I bought but I did recently find the receipt from this trip in my memory box which I was delighted about! I spent most of this trip pretty bored to be honest and kept falling out with my best friend too so what could have been an exciting and educational trip to France was spoiled and I don't think that well planned considering I don't remember a sodding thing!

Otherwise I've only ever been to Sussex for a funeral, Devon where my Aunt and Uncle live (and that was years ago) and Cambridge which I love and cannot wait to visit again. We went to My aunts house where they hold a music festival some years, it was fantastic!

Live music!

A lot of kegs!
I wouldn't mind seeing America but I don't think we'd ever be in that kind of position financially, still you never know. I would also need to get over the fear of planes which is pretty bad! Otherwise I have no desire to go abroad and just want to explore my country so much more.


Sunny Days and Grown Up Time

Haven't we had some beautiful weather? Cornwall finally caught up with the rest of the UK and we had our long awaited heat wave. It's not so nice now, the sun is still out but we really needed some rain and air after all the stuffiness.

We've been nicely busy in the Cupcake House. Little Miss was finally able to have her bike taken out of the shed. Daddy gave it a once over and adjusted the seat but I think she still looks too big for it and we'll be investing in a new one soon. 
Usually I can't think of anything worse than taking scooters and bikes to school (I always end up carrying said items you see...) but I walked home with Little Miss from nursery the other day and she decided that she was going to ride her bike ALL the way back,

We had a few pit stops of course but no whinging which was a nice change! I was really proud of her because we have such a small garden and rarely get to the park with the recent rubbish weather, the nursery run was her longest go on the bike and I think she did really well.
Well done Midge!!

As you can see above we were set a task for nursery. This task was to make our favourite bug! Little Miss and her friends have been looking at all the different bugs over the last couple of weeks and she's really into them. The recent influx of ants into my home has got her beyond excited (and has just got to me to be honest, horrid creatures!)

Little Miss loves Ladybirds and so do I so we went hunting around our house for some junk to recycle. We found a Peppa Pig bottle which we emptied of its pancake mix into a spare tub so the lady bug had a body to be painted bright red. Little miss coloured in some spots and we stuck them on. I cut out some wings and poked some pipe cleaners through the bottle for her little legs.

What do you think?

On the way to nursery I spotted a real ladybird keeping our creation company on the pushchair hood! Little Miss was really excited and wanted to show her friends but sadly the ladybird didn't share her enthusiasm and flew off! Poor Midge, but her teacher loved the ladybird she made and it was put next to the window. She keeps an eye on it to make sure it doesn't 'fly away Mummy.'

Over the Tamar Bridge

On Saturday Little Miss and Man went to Grandma's and Pop's house for the day. They had so much fun at the park and in the garden, I can't wait to see the photos my sister took.

While the Little Ones were having fun myself and Other Half were having much deserved 'us time'. We booked last minute tickets to Plymouth for the day changing our decorating plans to shopping plans. I wasn't complaining!
We had a small budget of money but were both surprised to be more looking forward to the quiet train trip there than all the shopping.

I did buy a new belt, some shorts (to accommodate my increasing hips and thighs- a problem that is being sorted asap) and a few other bits and bobs. We had a cheeky McDonald's lunch (2 medium fries for me!) and did plenty of walking and exploring.

The train back was a bit manic with lots of people coming back from a local football match and there appeared to be some rather rude people on board which was a shame.
 In the evening though Mum and Dad dropped the kids back to us and I cooked a lovely roast. We watched Eurovision (thanks Dad not my choice at all!) and chatted a lot. They didn't leave until nearly midnight but it was such a lovely day and evening I hope to do it again in the future.

Cupcake Mumma

Day 28 Something I'm Looking Forward To...

I'm looking forward to a few things both big and small. I'm looking forward to Father's Day where I've planned a unique gift to make for my Dad and I'm looking forward to crafting with my 2 Little Ones for their Daddy.

I'm looking forward to this weekend where we are having a little BBQ to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee, how exciting! I'm planning party games, a ball pool and lots of blue! There's only the 4 of us and my sister but I think that it's going to be lovely.

I'm looking forward to dressing Little Miss up as a ladybird this Thursday and making her all patriotic for Friday at nursery. They're having two parties this week and I think she might be a bit excited!

I'm looking forward to starting my workout and loosing a bit of my 'Mummy Tummy', I'm looking forward to our Big Day in August and seeing lots of family we haven't seen in years or just a long time! I also look forward to Christmas as I always do, but don't worry, I'm not planning just yet!

Finally, I'm hoping to plan some trips in the half term for Little Miss as a surprise and near October time I'm really, really hoping I can plan a trip to see the Harry Potter Studios!

What are looking forward to?

Day 27/31 A Favourite Recipe

I cannot believe we're nearly at the end of May now, that has gone surprisingly quick! For today's prompt, I have to choose a favourite recipe of mine. I do a bit of cooking but find it a bit of a chore if I'm honest. I prefer to bake things but even then I find it hard to muster the motivation required!

However, a few months ago I made a vegan cheesecake which was really, really tasty. If you want to see how I made it, please click here as I blogged about it for my Pinaddicts Challenge.

Below are some photos of this tasty treat. I made it for my Vegan Aunt, but I myself have a various dietary requirements so this is also gluten and wheat free. Berries are my favourite topping but I must try some more. We're having a Jubilee celebration this weekend coming so maybe some tasty ideas for a new topping?

Day 26 An Old Photo

I had a good look around for this photo on Facebook as my cousin had posted a lot there on only recently. This was lucky because all the old photos I have are either on my (broken) laptop or at my Mum and Dads house.

I love looking through really old photos from my childhood mainly because I cannot believe what the fashion was years back, although seriously, bright pink cord trousers are NEVER okay!

Anyway, here is my offering for Day 27 (yes a day late i know) a picture of myself and my lovely cousin who is also not far from 23 years of age either. How sweet we looked once upon a time!


Day 25/31 Blogs i Love

Today is a nice one, a bit of sharing the blog love. There are so, so many bloggers out there who are brilliant writers, are witty and funny. Some post wonderful photos of their life and families and some share the most amazing stories. Most of all they are welcoming and friendly. That's how lucky I've been anyway.

I'm sticking to the rules today and listing 5 of my favourite blogs but there are so many more than five!

Mama Syder (as she is affectionately known) has a wonderful blog full of fantastic photographs. She is thrifty and crafty and a dab hand with her camera. I always enjoy reading through Mama Syder's blog. Besides, I've said it once but I'll say it again, she has some lush areas of her home which make me positively envious!

2. Ready Steady Mummy!
Natalie has become someone I converse with a lot these days. You can read all about her gorgeous little man and what they get up to as well some really interesting posts. 

3. The Content Notebook
A nice easy reading blog that I love to catch up with. Jenni writes about her goings on and any thoughts that come to her. She is also taking part in the 31 Day blog Challenge so please pop over and say hello.

4. Leopard Print Mommy
Lucy is lovely (and she loves Harry Potter which makes her just that bit more special ha!) She can be found blogging about her lovely family, days out and goings on. A really good read.

5. BabberBlog
I'm a very new follower to this blog but already I'm hooked. Lewis a first time Dad but blogs about much more. I find some posts thought provoking, some funny, interesting and others are just great reads.

There you go, if you see a blog here you haven't heard of, why not check them out? 
p.s All these bloggers can be found on Twitter too! Get Tweeting!


Day 24 Favourite Childhood Book

Matilda is my favourite book of all time. This book was probably one my first full reads cover to cover all by myself and it instilled my love for the great author Roald Dahl. The illustrations are cool and I just love the story of this young girl coming up trumps against all the grown ups of this world!

Another favourite would be any book featuring The Large Family. I remember my Mum reading these books to myself, my brother and sister and we all loved them!

Day 23/31 Dream Job

Ah, my dream job. Sitting on my arse or laying in bed all day. What? I can't choose that as a career you say? Damn.

I am actually studying anatomy and physiology at the moment, I'm only on sections 3 and 4 now but I await my course marks then I can start revising. I'm doing a home study course and look forward to hopefully taking a practical course next year which will be a one day, intense practical study of massage.
I've always wanted to be a massage therapist and there is room for either employment or even working from home. I have a fear of driving so I'm never going to be a mobile therapist but hopefully i could afford to run a little place of my own. just me, my table and some happy customers.


Day 22/31 Best Thing This Year

Nothing stands out so far this year so i'm looking to the future for this one. Although seeing the Olympic Torch was pretty great actually.

On the 18th August myself and Other Half are tying the knot which i'm hoping will be a really great day.  I hope everyone will get on and mix well. I'm seeing family I haven't seen in a very long time and I'm really excited about that. 
Buttonholes from for Dad and Brother


Review: Zoflora Disinfectant + 34% off Good Housekeeping Magazine!

I'll be honest, when it comes to cleaning I'm the kind of girl who grabs an anti bacterial wipe to clean the floors, cupboards, sinks and anything else I can possibly wipe over. I have used disinfectant only a couple of times in my life and never enjoyed the smell afterwards but when Zoflora got in touch to ask me to review their new Limited Addition product, I had to say yes.

Zoflora are favourites with many households across the UK and to celebrate their 90th year as well as the upcoming Jubilee they have introduced a new, limited addition fragrance to their brand. Bluebell Woods is a British flower found in the countryside so you can guarantee to give your home that little extra lift with a light, floral scent of summer.

As soon as i received my sample of Zoflora Limited Edition Disinfectant I opened it up for a good sniff! This ritual is usually saved for the supermarket aisle before I decide on my purchase and I'm pleased to say that this wins on smell alone for me. The smell is lightly floral and not overpowering. You wouldn't think that a disinfectant that kills 99.9% of bacteria could smell like this,

My first target was the bathroom, usually I'm a serial bleacher but I'm pleased to say I am a total convert and now Zoflora is the only brand I shall be using. I used Zoflora neat for my loo and sink and mixed some of the disinfectant into a spray bottle for my kitchen cupboard doors and the tiles around my kitchen and bathroom. I can honestly say that even neat my bathroom smelt light and fresh, much better than the overpowering smell of bleach.

All in all a highly recommended product. And because Zoflora is such a well known and recommended product, it has been awarded the Good Housekeeping Institute Approved logo for 2012 by Good Housekeeping Magazine.

Blog Challenge Days 18,19 and 20!

Oops totally late with this challenge after all the Olympic Torch excitement I was too tired yesterday and on Friday I had a blinding headache so decided staring at my laptop screen wasn't such a good idea.
All excuses over with I'll move on to the challenge!

Day 18/31 My Blog Name.
CupcakeMumma really is as simple as that. I'm a Mumma who likes cupcakes! I bake a few here and there but they're not anything amazing and before you say anything, there's always one good one and that's the one that will get the blog fame! I'm just a bit obsessed with them to be honest. I have cupcake books, a cutting board, ornaments oh blimey all sorts!

Day 19/31 What Do You Collect?
I collect postcards so if you're ever feeling so inclined to post one to me then well, I'd be very happy! I have a tin box under my bed getting nicely full with postcards from around the world (thanks to some I pick up to remember days out and a few of my favourites have  been picked up from the local market and have been written on years ago, I have some from the 1930's and 40's which I adore.

Day 21/31 A Difficult Time in Your Life
I wrote the other day about my anxiety and PND which are by far the worst moments of my life and the worst for my poor Other Half too who still suffers with my mood swings and pretty low dips. Hats off to him and anyone else who lives with someone like me, it sure isn't easy sometimes!

The most difficult time in my life was when we moved from the countryside to a little cul-de-sac in a town. It felt like things were going to be okay but it soon turned out otherwise. Above us lived a young man who had his mates over every Saturday night, sometimes Friday too. He would play extremely loud music, wouldn't turn it down, his friends threatened Other Half on two occasions and they would smoke drugs throwing their butts and cans out of the window so when I opened the curtain on a nice sunny morning after a hideous night I was greeted to a pit of a back yard. It wasn't my back yard, but I still had to look at it!

This was difficult because it really felt that no one cared. My anxiety, which previously hadn't bothered me for a good couple of years came out of no where and i hated living in my new flat. Because nobody else had to live there they really didn't understand our desperation to leave. We were lucky though that most weekends for pretty much the whole time we lived there I stayed with Little Miss at my Mums place or we all went to Other halve's parents.
The final straw came when, after a lovely birthday dinner i came home and ended up crying down the phone to my Aunt who lived near by. We all stayed with her that night and it was the last time I was going through it. Other Half and I even considered separating, me leaving with Little Miss and my bump, I was a total mess!

Luckily for us, the landlord wasn't happy about the situation at all and got us the 2 bedroom house we are currently living in. The process of anti-social behavioural orders is a very long one and the estate agents dealing with the man above us were not very sympathetic. Needless to say it's all the past now but I really, really feel for those living with nightmare neighbours and I never want to move because I'm too scared of going through it all again!


The Olympic Torch Comes to Cornwall

It was the moment I had almost forgotten about until a late night browsing the Internet reminded me, Saturday 19th May was the day the Olympic Torch would start its journey through our country, starting with Cornwall, (Lands End to be precise).

My parents collected myself, Little Miss and Little Man and we headed off to a small but lovely village near Helston called Breage where the torch would be carried through to much jubilation. The bunting was hung including the Cornish colours of yellow and black which a was lovely idea. Everyone waved their flags, grabbed some freebies from the passing sponsors, the atmosphere was wonderful and I'm so proud myself and my children were apart of it.

Here are some photos of the momentous occasion.

People line the streets waiting for the torch to pass through. I think we were all waiting for just over an hour and not one bored, crying child could even be heard, everyone was celebrating!

 Little Miss gets her pride on. Little Man also had a small flag he went nuts with which was too cute.

One of the relay cars.

Here's what you really wanted though right? A truly great photo of the torch, if I may say so myself!

I was due to go home to decorate but being rushed out of the door I ended up locking myself out. It wasn't bad though, we stayed for lunch and dinner, I got to catch up with my Dad chatting about shares and having various debates. I even made some cupcakes in return for a couple of duck eggs on toast.
Finally, some photos of a lovely Saturday afternoon.


Day 17- My Proudest Moment

I'm going to take a slightly different approach to this prompt because even though I am of course very proud of myself for bringing my two babies into this world with the help of my Mother, Other Half and a birthing pool, I am more proud of the fact that i overcame my post natal depression and that I continue to fight my anxiety.

With help from my partner I overcame my post natal depression but sadly it wasn't until Little Miss was just over 1 year of age that I began to feel 'normal' and connected with her, something no mother should have to feel with their own child,

With my anxiety I suffered alone for years. I grew up with social anxiety and would skip any lesson that involved standing up and speaking in front of the class. I was bullied, laughed at, whispered about and generally made to feel useless and pathetic. This started in primary school and would see my through to my final year of secondary.

It wasn't until I had my son in 2011 that I plucked up the courage to speak openly to my new GP about what I had been going through at that time and everything before. I soon found myself having a chat with a lovely lady from the surgery who recommended some CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and this began to change my life.

Social Anxiety is no longer a huge problem in my life and for that i feel a huge sense of relief. I feel that in the future I'll be able to feel calm and confident about such things as interviews for jobs and parents evenings, even talking on the phone feels like a much easier job these days.

My General Anxiety is still something I fight against. I'm still on medication to help me as if I don't take them I find that my mind goes into overdrive and I just won't leave the house. I have periods where I want to stay in all day but knowing I have to do things in order to not let my anxiety win keeps me going. I'll still get a bit anxious about meeting certain people which can lead to panic attacks and worrying about not having enough change to pay for something is enough to push me over the edge- although having said that, I was 85p short today but instead of freaking out I calmly and confidently asked if i could have something taken off...I didn't really need those chocolate bars after all! I didn't blush, I didn't feel awkward, just apologised, paid and moved on...Oh and felt proud of myself!

Cupcake Mumma

16/31 My Bucket List.

I've only just started jotting things down and calling this list my 'Bucket List'. If you look up there ^^ you'll see 'Project Zero' which is a whole list of things that I have until 2014 to complete. A Bucket list is a series of more bigger ideas I have thought of, ideas that perhaps need saving up for and certainly ideas that need more planning than seeing 5 films in a cinema!

Top of my list at present is going to London to view the Harry Potter Studio Tour. We're hoping to do this this year after our wedding which would be great but it's pretty expensive and difficult when you don't drive! Although we'll take the coach up there most likely there's a lot more to sort out. However, I have to see the studio because I'm such a big fan.

I'd also love to go to and have a tour of Kensington Palace and also The Tower of London. I want to go to wales for a family holiday and i really want to have my photo taken outside Buckingham Palace. I'm also on a misson to photograph the Olympic torch so watch this space!

Cupcake Mumma

(Day 14) If I Won the Lottery..

We played the Lottery for the first time last Saturday. We didn't win anything but then we didn't expect to, I don't think anyone does really which is why when you do see the winners in newspapers they are so overjoyed.

However, if we did win the Lottery i know exactly where my money would be spent, but I'd have to win a lot!

* I would buy a big 4 bedroom house with a lovely big garden. I would love to own my own home, something I could leave my children and the garden? A huge bit of lawn, a trampoline and a Wendy house complete with a slide that my pants little garden cannot possibly accommodate! I don't even have a lawn (yet- you wait garden!)

* I would love to buy my parents a house. They are the only ones in my family to own their own home and I'd love them to have that security as they grew older.

* I'd buy Other Half driving lessons that he's desperate to do.

* Then we'd buy a VW Campervan- dream!

* Finally a bit of shopping, use it to explore some of London which I really want to do (history freak) and of course I'd have to donate some to a couple of my favourite charities and the rest (if there's any left!) would simply be left to grow for the future for us as a family or for my children.

13/31 What is your earliest memeroy?

This is an easy one for me. I think I wrote it earlier on in a blog post so apologies to anyone reading it all over again.

I grew up on a stud where my Dad was the groom. This stud was home to mostly race horses who were well looked after and taken care of, taken to and fro for their big races and they'd come back again. I loved walking around the stud because you'd be led to lanes under huge trees and massive fields which led to a small lake surrounded by trees. It was beautiful.

Anyway, of course this is my earliest memory, I grew up there but one memory stands out in particular and that's a night spent at the stud with my Dad. There was a horse who was due to foal at any time and so Dad and I sat in the office with said horse just next door in her warm and comfy stable.

It must have been quite late when Dad told me to come to his desk. I remember jumping up onto his chair and kneeling on the desk which was under a small window (you know like they have in houses where you can slide the door open and shut) and well, I watched this mare give birth to her foal. The really wonderful thing was coming back the next day to see this pretty little foal all unsteady on her legs with her 'mummy'.

That's a great moment to look back on.

Cupcake Mumma.

Day 12/31 What's in your Fridge?

I don't know why but I love seeing these prompts! We do our food shop on a Thursday so my fridge isn't looking its usual sorry self.
I don't know about anyone else but after just a few days my food items seem to dwindle dramatically and I can't keep up with the stocking up of the fridge essentials these days!

 Alright then, here we have:

- A few eggs I predict are out of date (oops)
- Lemon juice from Pancake Day
- Dairy free mayonnaise
- Fruit juice
- Dairy free custard
- More juice and soya milk
- Whole milk
- A lonely tomato for a pizza
- Apples
- Courgette for my pizza
- Bowl of peas
- Huge tub of dairy free butter
- Strawberries
- Lots of ham
- 2 tubs of dairy free soft cheese
- Plenty of cheese
- Puff pastry
- Random open yogurts (thanks Midge)
- A whole shelf of yogurts mini ones for the children, dairy free ones for me and Muller Rice for Other Half
- Big stash of eggs
- Rice noodles
- Bag of herbed potatoes (i love these)
- Carrots
- More apples (old for a pie)
- Black bananas (for a cake)

So there you go. Now i'd like to leave you with a good saying for when you look in your fridge and cupboards for food on less well-stocked days (which are common in my home!)

' Look in the fridge- No food. Look in the cupboard- No food.'
' Lower standards, and look again'

Good motto I think!

Cupcake Mumma

My Crafty Make- Post Organiser!

A few months ago I was getting really fed up of all the post being dumped everywhere, you name the spot and guaranteed there would be some already opened mail that couldn't be filed dumped there. I couldn't really think of any ideas at the time so I bought a box, stuck the word 'Post' on it and claimed it to be a great work of art...It wasn't and now it is trashed.

So, I was surfing the great site that is Pinterest and came across a lovely little homemade organiser that I thought would be great for the spot by my front door.

This looks really good and I was really taken with the idea of making something similar. So here goes, you will need:
- A pen
- Scissors
- A Cereal Box
- Items to cover your box (I went for fabric! And then random bits from my craft box)
- Glue and Sellotape

First of all stick down the open ends of the cereal box with sellotape.

Next you'll want to measure (for me as my cereal box is quite small) 4 1/2 inches from the top of the box, mark this point and turn your box over measuring 3 1/2 inches from the top of this side. When you have made your points, join them up like so:

Now you have your lines, get your scissors and cut along them so you have two halves of your box. Don't stick them together yet as it is much, much easier to put your paper/fabric on with them separate. This would seem like common sense but I actually got caught in the moment and stuck them together before realising how much more difficult it would be!

After I solved my problem, I popped my fabric on covering up the untidiness of the lines, so remember not to worry about them as you won't keep them! Here is my finished post organiser, what do you think?

 Using some left over items from my crafting box I added a touch more of 'me' to the creation. Plenty more pink and some cupcakes! Not forgetting the word 'post'!

And here it is, sat next to my other Pinterest creation making my hallway entrance look much, much prettier!

Cupcake Mumma

Day 11/31- 15 Favourite Things:

1. Family trips
2. My Fuji camera
3. My iPhone
4. The countryside
5. Cats
6. Pink
7. Nail polish
8. Crafting
9. Chocolate
10. A good catch up
11. Other Half's homemade fish and chips
12. Pinterest
13. Snuggles
14. The Inbetweeners
15. Books

I nearly wrote more then! Damn! There are my 15 favourite things, in no particular order i.e. 'Chocolate' would blaintently be higher and I love snuggles more than most things in this world.

Please click this badge below to be taken to some more wonderful blogs.

Cupcake Mumma

Day 10/31- Best Physical Feature

First of all I'd like to apologise for lack of blogging to any regular readers (thanks for not unfollowing by the way) and also for my seeming lack of interest in the challenge. I'm not disinterested I'm just so tired and have had 2 poorly (one teething) children for a whole week. My anxiety has also reached a frickin point of hideousness where I am in danger of becoming a total recluse.

Anyway, onto today's prompt: What is your best physical feature?

I love my eyes. They are one of my best features I believe but only when my lashes are curled. I have such long, straight eyelashes that just go right back down despite curling and mascara (this is where you bestow on me your amazing tips for me!). But yes, when the lashes are curled I look wide awake and much better!

Also my feet. I love feet and when mine are not all hot and swollen I think they look nice! Especially with some nice pink polish, can't beat a nice bit of foot pampering. I think you should really love your feet, I'd hate to loose them.

Cupcake Mumma

Day 9/31- Your Worst habits

Oh this is an easy one, i have a few bad habits i'm afraid. 

- I constantly click my back. I love to turn half way and back again just to click my lower back. Temporarily this feels good (i get lots of aches, would love someone to stand on my back!) afterwards I wonder why i did it...

- I pull my hair or make knots in it when i'm bored or tired, i don't usually realise i'm doing it.

- Often, after i've cleaned my teeth or if i'm just bored I'll use a needle or something similar to clean right between them, not great but hey!

And that's all you're having. 
Cupcake Mumma

Day 8/31 What's in you Handbag?

I thought I'd go for the honest approach here so I didn't even clean my bag out to pretend I didn't have items such as broken biscuits (not pictured!) lids and lolly pop sticks.
I carry a big bag around on the buggy like most parents but now little man is a bit older I have gained back a bit of me and my love of handbags with a nice one from Accessorize...Still there are nappies, wipes and what not in there though! No escape from baby paraphernalia evidently!

- My handbag (stuffed with an empty pop bottle to prop it up!)
- My purse which I love, covered in cupcakes
- Phone, pink of course
- Reusable bag, with pink on (you're getting the theme here right?)
- handy hair tie, Little Miss always seems to pull hers out and loose it before school
- DS Game for emergency boredom
- My rubbish I spoke of
- Ketchup sachets- as these get thrown away instead of restocked Other Half makes use of them
- Prescription
- Paracetamol (which I always make sure I have)
- Tin of little medicines (spare pain killers, heartburn tablets that kind of thing)
- Nappy, bags and wipes
- Stamps, large receipt for our Wii we're paying off (albeit slowly) and a random puzzle piece
- My camera, the one which isn't too big and heavy to annoy me!

It's oddly interesting to have a peek into someone else's bag like this as it's not something you'd actually do in 'real life'..well i wouldn't anyway!

Pinaddicts! Button Heart

I sort of lost the joy of crafting this last month but hopefully with my next project I'll get it back. I didn't really know what to do this month but found a button craft on Pinterest that I thought I'd give it a go.

For this craft I needed:
- Buttons
- White card
- A photo frame
- Some glue
First of all I drew a heart lightly on the card as a rough guide to make sure I didn't end up with a complete fail of a heart! I decided to go for a more unique shaped heart to make the picture look a bit more funky.

When all the buttons were stuck on using some PVA glue I wrote some words at the bottom which I also saw on Pinterest but I seem to have deleted the photo! Anyway, just so you know the words are not my idea they are a total copy.

Love Lives Here
This is now in the entrance to my house with my post and home phone. People see it when they walk out and I've already had some nice comments. Sorry about the picture quality this month folks!

Cupcake Mumma

This week butwhymummywhy is hosting the #Pinaddicts link up. If you're not a blogger you can still share your fab creations by clicking onto the #Pinaddicts Facebook page here!

Day 7/31- Your Pet Hates

Hmm, my pet hates. I think many people share the same hates to be honest so apologies if you're reading things that have been said a million times already!

- People not holding doors open- especially when you have a pushchair
- People who have no manners in general
- People who are really, really late
- When Other Half constantly taps his feet. He does this as he's playing the playstation and i hate it!
- People who play loud music at night, whether it's in a house or a car at night I'm trying to relax!
- Coughing without a hand being put over your mouth
- My tins and cupboards being moved so nothing is 'right' (labels facing forward etc)
- Dirty or really damp hand towels in the bathroom
- Messy (in my house only)or dirty kitchen sides (in anyone's house)
- Tea stains on my kitchen side and the spoon left sat there instead of in the wash bowl

There's a select few, I can't really think of many more things I'd describe as 'pet hates', maybe more a dislike but these are the things that really get me.

Cupcake Mumma

Project 366- April 30th- May 6th

April 30th 2012
I made some cupcakes on Sunday but felt too poorly to decorate them. However I felt much better today so here is one my pretty looking cupcakes!

During May i'll be doing 'A photo a Day May' which I hope will bring something more to my Project 366!

May 1st 2012
I'm never more at peace than when I'm surrounded my nature
May 2nd 2012
Lovely sun here today! Oh, and a line in the sky!

May 3rd 2012
Something I wore Today
Some nice red nails

May 4th 2012
Little Man having fun with his sister's hat

May 5th 2012
I didn't get out today so I thought this lovely bird picture on my bedroom wall would be
just as good

May 6th 2012
Someone Who Inspires You

Here's a couple of shots from Russel Howards Good News. Ordinary people like Josh Dueck who broke his back in a skiing accident in 2004. He is a full paraplegic but still continued with his skiing dreams becoming the first person to do a back-flip on a sit ski.
People like this always inspire me.
TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Day 6/31 Your 5 Senses Right Now

See- I can see some absolute rubbish on my television curtsy of Little Miss. I can also see my half eaten chocolate bar and various toys scattered across the living room floor- even though none are being played with. There also appears to be a giant Peppa Pig balloon floating about, I have no idea why...

Smell- I can smell my perfume, Lacoste Pink which is my favourite I only wear it when I really fancy it so it lasts me to each Christmas when I get a it again from Other Half. I never get bored of the smell! 

Hear- Bar this awful kids programme I can hear Little Miss playing Angry Birds on my phone (not sure which one is irritating me more to be honest!) I've been really anxious these last few weeks and as weird as it sounds I can always hear the thudding of my heart, I hate it.

Taste- My orange flavour chocolate. Surprising lush chocolate considering it's dairy free. Morrisons wins again in the Free From front!

Touch- I'm snuggled in my duvet which is incredibly soft, great for a perfect lazy Sunday before I start on the roast dinner. My keyboard feels a bit sticky as Little Man helped himself to my cornflakes this morning before proceeding to then touch anything within reach. I thought I cleaned it but obviously not well enough! Ew.

Click the badge below to see what everyone else is 'sensing' today. I wasn't expecting a prompt like this, very different yet interesting!

Day 5/31-My 10 Favourite Songs Right Now

Okay, here are my choice of ten songs I have been listening to, mainly as I go to sleep, sometimes after I drop Little Miss off to school and maybe a couple I go crazy to in order to motivate myself with the old dish washing up.

1. Adele- Someone Like You (Number 1 when Little Man was born so its always on my phone)
2. Adele- Rolling In The Deep
3. Ed Sheeren- Lego House
4. Ed Sheered- A Team
5. Cyndi Lauper- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (guess which one this applies to!)
6. David Guetta- Titanium
7. Amy Winehouse- Tears Dry On Their Own
8. Gotye feat.Kimbra- Somebody i Used To know
9. The Killers- Mr. Brightside
10. Florance and the Machine- Dog Days are Over (such a good loose yourself song)


Day 4/31 What Are You Afraid Of?

I'm a bit of a wuss to be honest so there is quite list (more than I'll put in this post anyway!)

Death- I don't like how you just never know when your time is or when time of those you love is up. If you know someone is dying I think to some degree you almost come to terms slightly with the whole thing but it's when people are just gone it's hard to imagine how I would cope. I also fear being forgotten and never visited, after all, one day I will be forgotten!

Aeroplanes- I have a rather irrational fear of planes and I am 100% certain that when I set foot on one that will be it for me.

Drowning- I hate not being able to breathe and when someone on the news has died this way I have this awful feeling inside I cannot describe. The thought of being desperate for air scares the living hell out of me.

Speaking in front of people- Nothing will bring on anxiety and panic attacks like being told I have to give a presentation. I spent most of my time in school from 14 upwards bunking off a lesson if I knew I had to do a speech in front of the class.

Spiders and wasps- I'm a little scared of spiders, it takes a lot of courage to move one with a glass if Other Half isn't here. Wasps and bees are a different matter, especially wasps though. I turn into some pathetic wreck like a child and if the wasp doesn't leave then yes, I'll cry. It's a very real fear and I'd be glad to never see a wasp again in my life! Don't think that'll happen though I'm afraid.

Two more:
The Sea. Hate it. I won't swim in it and I'm terrified of my children one day going in it. The sea is unpredictable and if it turns you may never see that person again. I hate the sea but I love to look at it.

Finally, Drain Covers- I have a hideous fear of these things and won't stand on them nor let my kids stand on them. It's rare to fall in one but the thought of going down and not getting up again (enter fear of drowning here) is bloody awful I've even had nightmares about it.

There you go a bit of a totally over-the-top list of fears for you!
Cupcake Mumma

Day 3/31 My Favourite Quote

I had to think about this for a while then I realised there is one saying I am always repeating whether it's to myself, or my children or simply thinking it in the presence of certain people:

If you have nothing nice to say, Don't say anything at all.

Cupcake Mumma

Day 2/31 20 Facts About Me

It's always good to learn more about more people! So for my 31 Day Blog Challenge I give you 20 facts about me!

1. Every evening after the children have gone to bed I snuggle into a duvet and blog/watch tele
2.I love feet and often have an urge to massage them! Not that I've ever admitted it (until now)
3. I'm getting married in just 3 months
4.I'm a Scorpio (look it up, never a truer word written!)
5. I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder. Previously i suffered from Social Anxiety Disorder which caused me so much emotional pain growing up. I had CBT after my son was born and I'm now able to do things like paying for items, going on buses alone. Yes it really is that bad.
6. I can't eat wheat, dairy or gluten
7. I love my iPhone a bit too much
8. I love Pinterest a lot, you can follow me by clicking that badge in the sidebar!
9. My favourite day of the week is Tuesday
10. I love a bit of patriotism, I love the British flag, our history, The Royal Family and want to explore  so much more of my country
11. I collect postcards- more on that later
12. I had PND with my first daughter and I wasn't much better until she was nearly 2
13. My Aunt delivered both my children
14. I used to be in the Brownies and loved it
15. I'm not a bad singer but won't sing unless it's for my children or Other Half
16. I'm T-Total (don't smoke or drink) and proud!
17. I love taking photos, it's so great to be more open when looking around you see so much more
18. I hate it when people don't get back to me
19.I keep talking about toning up and loosing a few pounds but it never happens
20. I hate strangers dogs, I don't mind but am not fond of other people's dogs and I'd rather not have my own although I'm sure i will one day (no thanks to finance i dare say)

There you go, feel free to join in at BoyOhBoy's lovely blog by clicking the above badge.

Cupcake Mumma

31 Day Blog Challenge- Day 1

I've decided to join in with the 31 day blog challenge as hosted by a new blogger I have found, Emma from BoyOhBoy. I'm really excited to join in and meet some new bloggers and maybe get to know others better.

For Day 1 I'm going to introduce myself and post a recent picture!
So, for those who don't know I'm Hannah the name behind Cupcake Mumma which isn't even a year old! I'm 22 and mother to my 4 year old Little Miss and 1 year old Little Man. I'm getting married this August (getting close) to a lovely man I met 5 years ago.

I am a young Mummy, I had my daughter when i was 18 and my son when I was 21. I regret nothing. I love taking photos, i enjoy reading and am just a bit obsessed with my iPhone and Twitter. I'm a bit of a recluse and should get out more- one my challenges in life! Last but not least I live in Cornwall UK which is a lovely place to live (when I get out of the town!)

Now for a recent photo of me. I'm not a fan of my photo being taken but I'll play along!

PS. Obviously I am also an avid fan of cupcakes and pink!