
(Day 14) If I Won the Lottery..

We played the Lottery for the first time last Saturday. We didn't win anything but then we didn't expect to, I don't think anyone does really which is why when you do see the winners in newspapers they are so overjoyed.

However, if we did win the Lottery i know exactly where my money would be spent, but I'd have to win a lot!

* I would buy a big 4 bedroom house with a lovely big garden. I would love to own my own home, something I could leave my children and the garden? A huge bit of lawn, a trampoline and a Wendy house complete with a slide that my pants little garden cannot possibly accommodate! I don't even have a lawn (yet- you wait garden!)

* I would love to buy my parents a house. They are the only ones in my family to own their own home and I'd love them to have that security as they grew older.

* I'd buy Other Half driving lessons that he's desperate to do.

* Then we'd buy a VW Campervan- dream!

* Finally a bit of shopping, use it to explore some of London which I really want to do (history freak) and of course I'd have to donate some to a couple of my favourite charities and the rest (if there's any left!) would simply be left to grow for the future for us as a family or for my children.


  1. Aw I think you should win the lotto you don't want for much so you deserve it ;)

  2. Great list lovely, most of which i agree with xxx

  3. My daughter would just love us to get a VW campervan!
