
Sunny Days and Grown Up Time

Haven't we had some beautiful weather? Cornwall finally caught up with the rest of the UK and we had our long awaited heat wave. It's not so nice now, the sun is still out but we really needed some rain and air after all the stuffiness.

We've been nicely busy in the Cupcake House. Little Miss was finally able to have her bike taken out of the shed. Daddy gave it a once over and adjusted the seat but I think she still looks too big for it and we'll be investing in a new one soon. 
Usually I can't think of anything worse than taking scooters and bikes to school (I always end up carrying said items you see...) but I walked home with Little Miss from nursery the other day and she decided that she was going to ride her bike ALL the way back,

We had a few pit stops of course but no whinging which was a nice change! I was really proud of her because we have such a small garden and rarely get to the park with the recent rubbish weather, the nursery run was her longest go on the bike and I think she did really well.
Well done Midge!!

As you can see above we were set a task for nursery. This task was to make our favourite bug! Little Miss and her friends have been looking at all the different bugs over the last couple of weeks and she's really into them. The recent influx of ants into my home has got her beyond excited (and has just got to me to be honest, horrid creatures!)

Little Miss loves Ladybirds and so do I so we went hunting around our house for some junk to recycle. We found a Peppa Pig bottle which we emptied of its pancake mix into a spare tub so the lady bug had a body to be painted bright red. Little miss coloured in some spots and we stuck them on. I cut out some wings and poked some pipe cleaners through the bottle for her little legs.

What do you think?

On the way to nursery I spotted a real ladybird keeping our creation company on the pushchair hood! Little Miss was really excited and wanted to show her friends but sadly the ladybird didn't share her enthusiasm and flew off! Poor Midge, but her teacher loved the ladybird she made and it was put next to the window. She keeps an eye on it to make sure it doesn't 'fly away Mummy.'

Over the Tamar Bridge

On Saturday Little Miss and Man went to Grandma's and Pop's house for the day. They had so much fun at the park and in the garden, I can't wait to see the photos my sister took.

While the Little Ones were having fun myself and Other Half were having much deserved 'us time'. We booked last minute tickets to Plymouth for the day changing our decorating plans to shopping plans. I wasn't complaining!
We had a small budget of money but were both surprised to be more looking forward to the quiet train trip there than all the shopping.

I did buy a new belt, some shorts (to accommodate my increasing hips and thighs- a problem that is being sorted asap) and a few other bits and bobs. We had a cheeky McDonald's lunch (2 medium fries for me!) and did plenty of walking and exploring.

The train back was a bit manic with lots of people coming back from a local football match and there appeared to be some rather rude people on board which was a shame.
 In the evening though Mum and Dad dropped the kids back to us and I cooked a lovely roast. We watched Eurovision (thanks Dad not my choice at all!) and chatted a lot. They didn't leave until nearly midnight but it was such a lovely day and evening I hope to do it again in the future.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Love little miss ladybird! How fab! Gorgeous photos! xxx

  2. Sounds like you've had some really lovely quality time together as a family and made the most of the sunny weather! Hope it stays that way for you xxx

    1. Thanks Vikki it;s been lovely hope you've had the same! x

  3. That sounds like heavier! The OH and I could do with some 'us' time! I love the ladybird it's fab!

    1. It's hard to fit it in but it sure was needed! Hope you get some you time time soon it was so nice. Thanks for commenting x

  4. Wonderful ladybird, love it :)
