
A Turns 8!

It's been another roller coaster year with A but regardless it has passed and I now find myself mum to an 8 year old! This year we have left it completely open to the children what they'd like to do for their birthdays. Midge chose a family day with an Indian Fakeaway whilst will chose to play board games, have a lasagna dinner and go ice skating on his actual birthday. 

This year A chose to have a Pokemon themed birthday cake, he wanted to go swimming on his birthday then he wanted to have a family pizza dinner. So that's what we did. Mr K made the cake which A loved, I bought some cheap Pokemon figures off the  Internet and we stuck them all over it for fun.

He got another cake too! A caterpillar one which was free from friendly so I could tuck in. It really is  a pain not being able to eat the cake everyone else can eat! Not that the children mind, we're a 2 birthday cake house now!! Mr K helped make several pizzas for birthday dinner. One was a cheese pizza and one was a more Mediterranean style pizza. The original pizza went down a treat for the kids but the fancy one really was only demolished by Mr K himself...I'm sure he did it on purpose! 

We had a wonderful time swimming. We went to a new pool that only A has been to before with my parents called Splashes. They have a waterfall and some sprinklers plus a wave feature (which nearly drowned me!) Obviously I don't have any photos of that but I'm sure we will remember it was good fun!

Another year older. I wonder what the year will bring for A's eighth year in the world? I'm sure we have a long road ahead of us but I'm still hoping for things to turn around with my boy. Happy 8th birthday Roo.

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