
Reasons to be Cheerful ♡

I haven't done one of these posts for a while but I'm certainly keen to try and sprinkle more positivity on my life where I can so I thought why not think of a few things each week and go from there?

The biggest reason to be cheerful is that it's birthday week here in the Cupcake kitney house! A turned 8 this week and has already had his swimming day, cake and pizza night which he loved. Will is 10 this Sunday and he's celebrating with a day out ice skating. As we don't have him on weekends we will celebrate with some cake on Monday. 

Another reason for us all to smile was the long awaited appointment for James to see a new peadiatrician. They've been really helpful and have requested adhd testing which may or may not show this. He has sensory processing disorder which I knew from my experience with A when he was younger. James is a huge sensory seeker and the total opposite from A so this is still a huge learning curve for us.

I'm starting to feel a lot better than I was a few weeks ago. I'm still struggling sometimes with digestive issues and am booked for a endoscopy in a few weeks. I don't think they'll find anything though. I'm on tablets for low B12 and my mental health isn't great at the moment. I'm okay but I'm frequently overcome with overwhelm, anxiety and hopelessness. 

I hope you can all find a small reason to be Cheerful this week and if you'd like to you can share it with me below, by joining in the link up or on social media. 

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart


  1. I'm glad you have found some things to be positive about this week, happy birthday to both the boys ! I hope they can get to the bottom of your digestive problems and you start feeling better soon x

    1. Thank you lovely! I hope so too it's doing my head in! X

  2. Ohh celebrating birthdays is fun, I hope everyone had an ace time and so happy to see you here again, digging deep for those reasons. Mich x

  3. That lovely birthday cake caught my eye! Happy birthday to A and Will and good luck with the appointments (oftencalledcathy #R2BC)
