
My Sunday Photo: Digging for Treasure

We have had a lovely half term away with Mr K and the boys. Our favourite part of this half term was definitely visiting Diggerland which is around the corner from Mr K's house! We did lots of fun things which I wrote about here. Below is one of my favourite photos of the day: Little A and I digging deep for treasure (to make Mummy rich!) 

Half Term Fun at Diggerland!

Once again we have packed up the car and have headed to Martyn and the boy's house to enjoy a half term as a family of six! We had a few plans for half term but the one the children and Mr K and I were really looking forward to was our family trip to Diggerland.


I've been feeling a little under the weather lately. Like a lot of the population I was bitten by the cold that seems to be doing the rounds. I was bunged up, tired, sore and on tonsillitis watch, I prayed very hard to not get tonsillitis as I get it very badly; not something I fancy coping with on my own with 2 children!