
Recent Reads

I'm really into my books again this year and I wanted to share with you all my most recent reads! The first book I read was The Taming of the Queen by Philippa Gregory and it was such a good read. Jocelyn from The Reading Residence (pen pal and friend) recommended it a long time ago and I finally managed to get a copy for Christmas. I adore my Tudor history novels and really loved reading this one based on Katherine Parr's marriage and life with Henry VIII. She would be the last wife of a sick, dying yet still terrifyingly quick tempered King who nobody dare cross. You sense a real danger for Katherine and almost can't believe she made it where all others didn't. King Henry must have been a very difficult man when he was young and fit but when he was ill, lame and massively overweight he couldn't do anything and I have a new interest in reading more about Katherine. She comes across not only in this novel, but also in the history I've read up her like a truly grand woman. There was so much more to her than just being King Henry VIII's sixth and last wife.

The Second book I read was my review copy of One Little Mistake by Emma Collins which has now been released. I initially wasn't sure about the book because I thought it might be a bit of a chick lit read with some drama chucked in; I know it's a psychological thriller but in all honesty it's been so long since I read one I forgot what to expect! I couldn't put it down by chapter 6/7 because I got hooked on the story line and by the end all my initial feelings for characters were completely changed. I felt it was a really good read and I would recommend it to a fellow bookworm to try. Look out for my post which goes live on February 25th.

I read The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher (mostly because I'm nosey and I enjoy these books based on people's real lives.) I was sad when she died but not because of Star Wars but because of how open she was about mental health issues and because she was a great writer and most importantly because as a woman, she was strong, powerful and took no shit. She took a lot of shit as a young actress though but seemed to go with it! It's fascinating to read behind the scenes of Star Wars and the thoughts of a young actress but I didn't like her actual diary pages. Some felt irrelevant (but obviously weren't to her) others just made me cringe as if I was re reading my 14 year old self in my own diary (which got tossed in the bin years ago!) I did enjoy the book though but I won't need to re read it ever again.

Finally, I read The Girl On The Train. There can be no better testimony than this: I opened the book at 9.00pm and I couldn't stop reading. I finished the book at 2.00am the following morning!! It was really bloody good. I watched the film a few days later and I liked that too however I (unsurprisingly) preferred the book. I'm going to send a copy to my sister when I get hold of one because I feel she'd like it. I think most people have read this book but if you haven't you must!

Cupcake Mumma



  1. I read 2 books by Philippa Gregory and I enjoyed them both. I want to start reading her books about the Tudors, it was a fascinating period and I'm sure I would love the books.
    I heard about The Girl on The Train, but I'm yet to read it.

    1. I hope you get a chance to look out her Tudor books they are fantastic.
      I highly recommend all these books :)

  2. These kinds of posts always remind me that I need to get out from behind the computer more often and try and read whenever I have some quiet time around here. ( what little there is ) #tuesdaytreasures

    1. I find a good book really does help in those rare moments!

  3. I'm terrible for not finishing books, but I did watch 'The Girl On The Train' movie on my flight to America last week, and I did enjoy it. I can imagine the book being even better (as they usually are!) #TuesdayTreasures

    1. Ohh I only not finish a book if it's really not good! If you get a chance to read the Girl on the Train it is fab I hope your trip went well!
