
Survey! What Do Parents Do To Unwind Around the Home?

Parenting and unwinding in the same sentence? Sometimes it feels impossible but there's always an opportunity! Grabbing a coffee and some catch up TV during the morning nap, reading a book a little later into the night after everyone has nodded off. Even popping out for a short walk or putting the headphones on for a little while can all help. Rattan Direct are running a survey to find out how parents unwind at home. If you'd like to take part, below is a link to the survey which breaks down into 3 parts:

1) What do parents do to unwind at home
2) How are you going to celebrate Christmas this year ( << first mention of the C word yippee!)
3) Has Brexit actually affected your spending habits around the home and garden?

For me, unwinding is about taking the opportunity to do whatever I want to do and usually whatever I most feel like doing at the time. Sometimes it's my blogging, sometimes I like to catch up with my pen friends and write lots of lovely things. Sometimes I like to go hunting around the charity shops for bargains or take a simple walk either alone or with someone else. Mostly my unwinding comes in the form of a newspaper and a hot chocolate in my local Costa (surprise surprise).

As for Christmas, Mum and I have big plans this year. I love Christmas. I plan to decorate early as always and go shopping for stocking fillers in the local shops. On Christmas Eve Mr B is working but he'll be home for Father Christmas duty and footprint making. On Christmas Day we're heading to my Mum and Dads for a big family Christmas which we haven't done in years. It's going to be really special and we're looking forward to it so much. It also means I won't need to do a Christmas food shop this year!

Ah and Brexit. Has it stopped my spending around the home and garden? Well, something has but I'm not so sure it's down to Brexit. I've never been a big spender on the home and garden but then I have truly never had the money to buy a lot of things, most of our items come second hand or through a catalogue site. 

It's quite an interesting survey and I'm looking forward to seeing the results when they are all revealed!

Cupcake Mumma

*This is a collaborative post with Rattan Direct*


  1. Your down time sounds very much like mine, although I do love to snuggle up on the bed with a good book too. Mich x

  2. Interesting post and survey (I've completed it :) ). I will not do much in the house mainly because we bought it 2 years ago and we've just finished renovating it. I will spend some money on the garden, as I have some ideas there, even though the garden was done in the last years as well. x
