
Ten Reasons to Smile February

Ah we're now in one of my favourite months and my favourite season is slowly peaking through the clouds to say hello...Hang in there Spring! I'm so excited to see my sister back home, to eat hot cross buns, to have chocolate eggs and do an egg hunt. I hope our half term will be fun! We've had a good February and I just hope that it all continues because I'm quite content really. These teeth of mine need to behave themselves too!

1) First of all my Little Roo turned 5 last month. I totally cried the night before and maybe again when he wasn't looking, it's so bittersweet for me! We've been through quite a lot with Roo but I wouldn't change him for the world. His birthday was a total wash out but he was happy to have cake and go to Costa which is his favourite place besides the park and soft play. He spent the rest of the day playing with all his cool new superhero stuff.

2) I have, by my own admission been a bit grumpy and out of sorts. I'm a bit of a recluse these days with not really any friends or anywhere to go. Sometimes I like to do my own thing, feel lucky I can stay at home etc but other days it gets me down. Mr B made me venture out with him and Roo to play football after Roo's cool little Avengers tea party. We had a lovely walk and kick about and the dog even came along, she was ace and had a great time. I felt the effects of that day for a whole week it did me so much good!

3) I won some more competitions and each one made me smile. From marshmallows to books and vouchers I loved them all and I hope I can win some more comps this month (but so far not so lucky!)

4) Our beautiful Midge is doing great at maths getting a pen and dazzle award and her name in the school newsletter last month. Her English at school has been getting better and she's getting a bit more confident in class although her teacher says she's still too quiet. We've had some trouble with 2 other girls and Midge isn't speaking up but after a chat with her teacher I'm hoping she understands that she has to speak up to be heard and not let these girls get away with the things they are doing. Midge is really growing up and making me proud. I wish I could share photos of her because she's so beautiful but of course I cannot and would not do Mumma pride is strong though!

5) We had our 6 month dental check and I'm so pleased that the children's teeth are all doing great! Midge has 1 wobbly one and Roo's are doing well with a bit of help from another dentist too. It was me who needed to book for 2 fillings and I'm still going through the works!

6) I betted on 2 random football teams last month on a betting site, something I've never done before and I won £30. Mr B was so jealous! I only went on there to do my cash-back, that win really helped me out with some things though!

7) We had a Lovely early birthday tea for Roo at Wetherspoons

8) I had a lovely day out with the children and my mum in Penzance during the half term. She bought them both ice cream, Midge got some new shoes then we went to hers for tea and several long hot baths!

9) The Dummy is now gone forever!!

10) Finally as I've mentioned a million times everywhere I possibly can, I'm happy because Spring is starting to show itself, very happy!

Cupcake Mumma

A Cornish Mum


  1. Lovely photo's from February Hannah, sorry to hear Midge is having a tough time kids can be really mean sometimes hope she will be okay.
    Well done on your wins hope you've been lucky this month as well x

  2. Sadly no luck this month! But I was happy with last months bits :) All is coming together with midge :) x

  3. Children can be so horrible to each other especially girls sadly, I hope she's having a better time of it now. Love the birthday boy's happy face in the photos! We should meet up again soon, I can come to somewhere close to you to save you faffing with trains if you want :)

    Thanks for linking up to #TenThings

    Stevie xx
