
Weekend Box Club Review!

I've wanted to try a craft box out for ages, I have used one before but I couldn't commit to the payments which I'm hoping will be easier this time around because the boxes don't cost as much! I'm reviewing a new Mini Weekend Box costing just £4.95 (plus free delivery) from The Weekend Box Club, a great company getting children (and their parents and carers in most cases!) involved in more green craft, baking, exploring and one on one time.

The first thing we loved was the box itself. With all the colour and the animals printed on the front, both children knew the box was just for them and became very excited to open it! I like the fact the box just slips through the letterbox, I don't have to worry about being in for its arrival and disappointing the children if I happen to miss it.

There are two different crafts in the box, one is a make and one is a gardening craft. Ideal, one each. There is a theme to each box sent out, this one was a rainforest theme so we had a parrot mask to make which Midge claimed and some seeds to grow, which is right up Little A's street. You can subscribe to the bumper weekend boxes if you fancy more crafts and have more time. 

First the parrot, I think you'll agree Midge did a great job on her mask. Everything was supplied and Midge needed very little help from me.

Next the planting! The only extra we needed was an empty plastic bottle that Midge fetched from the recycling bag. Working together we cut the bottle in half then added our soil into the bottom. After following the instructions, we put our seeds into the soil and placed the bottle on our kitchen windowsill. I will be putting our plants' journey on my Instagram so do follow me for our rainforest update!

If you'd like to try out a weekend craft box then all you have to do is register your details at and don't forget this code: which will give you your first Weekend Box FREE! Midge has cut out the tickets that came in the box to give to her friends, what a lovely idea.

I hope you have as much fun as we did and if you subscribe let me know, I plan to subscribe and will be sharing our makes, bakes and fun on Instagram and Twitter!

Cupcake Mumma


  1. That looks fab. I love Midge's mask! xx

  2. Aw this looks like fun, the boys would have loved this when they were younger!

    Stevie xx
