
10 Reasons to Smile January

1) Midge turned 8 this month which I can't quite believe. We had a family roast dinner and Frozen inspired cake for pudding and a wonderful day. She was over the moon to have a new bike and so many lovely birthday presents from all the family.

2) Midges party this month was lovely. I set a strict limit on numbers as the children always have parties at home. Midge chose her cousins plus 2 girls from school so it was a lovely day. The big girls all played with my youngest niece (who is only 3) there were no tears or fights so it was such a relaxing day for me! We played games, ate party food, had an Elsa cake and then everyone played happily outside or upstairs, easiest party ever!

3) Birthday cake is always great isn't it? I loved making Midge's 8th cake this year, the cake should've been Elsa stuck in the baked cake and looking all wonderful but due to a broken Elsa doll I had to improvise and this is what I came up with.

4) We had a trip to Plymouth on Mr B's birthday. Midge spent her birthday money, Mr B treated himself and Little A and I just had a really good day out. It was something we haven't done in a long time and long overdue, I got some lovely photos of our trip.

5) Birthday dinner was had at Weatherspoons this year and whilst it cost me a bit more than I would've liked it wasn't too bad. The meal was lovely and the most important thing was that Mr B had a really good end to his birthday.

6)  I've had 3 great comping wins this month. I've won a trip to London on the Muggles Tour (can I have a fan girl moment here..okay done) I think I'll take my mum along. I also won £50 Iceland/Birdseye vouchers and a blog giveaway for a lingerie shop online- happy Hannah!

7) I met up with Stevie from A Cornish Mum and we had a lovely breakfast together before mooching about the shops and catching up in Truro. I look forward to the next one!

8) I have bought workout gear, taken the dreaded before shots, measurements and started walking. I'm trying not to think about it all too much in the hope my good doings not only pay off but become habit.

9) Peppa Dog is all better. As you'll all know we had a very poorly dog at Christmas but throughout January our lovely Staffy has completely gone back to full health.

10) I spent some quality time with my Aunt which was so nice. She's a massive dog lover so we went to a pet shop to get some bits for her dogs (I came out with pink poop bags and a dog jumper ha!) then we went to Costa for a lovely hot chocolate. My Aunt is like a second mum to me, I love spending time with her,

So that's my 10 reasons to smile and all such wonderful days to look back on as we approach a very wet end of January and the start of a most likely wet February! What was your happiest day/moment of January? Id love to know!

Cupcake Mumma

A Cornish Mum
Ojo's World


  1. Looks like you have had a lovely (and busy month) I hope Midge's card got to you alright! Sorry it was late. That burger looks awesome! Well done on the competition wins I haven't won anything for AGES! xx

    1. Oh gosh yes sorry love it did! I was getting treasy not winning then 3 came in 2 days ha! Xx

  2. Hiya stopping by from R2BC time with family is always lovely. happy birthday to your darling girl, what a cake I'm sure it made her smile :0) here's to another good week.

    1. Thank you, she loved it which made me happy :) x

  3. Ahhh, lovely reasons to smile! That cake looks awesome! :D

  4. Sounds great! Well done on all those wins too! Love the smiley family photo too :) x

  5. Glad Peppa Dog is better :) love the frozen cake. #TenThings

  6. Happy birthday to Midge and I am so glad your dog is better. How fab to meet Stevie too - I love her blog :)

  7. I've just seen Stevie's breakfast on her post....super jealous of that...looks yummy!!! #tenthings xx

  8. I'm so glad your pooch is all better :) I'm wanting the breakfast again though now ha!! Was lovely seeing you again Hannah, we'll have to do it again sometime :)
    Thanks for linking up to #TenThings lovely
    Stevie xx
